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26.08.2018 14:01:12 786x read.
Election Day Wednesday, 22ndAugust 2018 – 17th Day of the General Chapter.

Election Day

Wednesday, 22ndAugust 2018 – 17th Day of the General Chapter.


Today was a special day. Some Brothers said that the day was the peak of the Chapter. This is because members of the Chapter will elect the new General Superior and his Councilors. As General Council, they shoulder the task of implementing the Chapter decisions that we have discussed during the first and the second weeks of the Chapter. Besides, they  have become the servants and the unifiers for the members of the Congregation.

The election process began with a prayer led by the brothers of Chile province. They invited us to reflect on the theme, “The Service of Authority and Obedience”. In his reflection, Bro. Eko said that we don’t choose Jesus but Jesus himself has chosen us (cf. John 15:16). That’s why we continuously do “exodus” meaning that we move from the centre of ourselves to Jesus who calls and chooses us. The same with those elected to be leaders, they should listen to the words of Jesus: “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you also must wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14). The leadership task is a service task.

After serious prayers and personal discernment we began the election process at 10.00. The election was by secret ballot. Bro. Valentinus Daru Setiaji and Bro. Martinus Hans Gendut, being the youngest members of the chapter were appointed tellers.

The Brothers participated in the election were 30 brothers. We elected 4 brothers as members of the General Council. Bro. Martinus Handoko, as the chairman, read the results of the election one by one. We elected first the General Superior and then the 3 councilors. The voting process was interspersed with the singing of Marian songs.  After this the new General Council met to decide on the vicar. The result of the voting on the Vicar completed the composition of the General Council. The results are as follows:

The General Superior                       : Augustine Kubdaar

Vicar                                              : Theodorus Suwaryanto

Member                                          : Raphael Besigrinee

Member                                          : Valentinus Daru Setiaji


In the evening, we celebrated the Eucharistic to express our gratitude to God for guiding us in the election process. The Eucharistic celebration also commemorate Mary as Queen. We were grateful to God for the role of Mother Mary who accompanied the leadership of the General Council 2012-2018 to accomplish their task well. We also prayed for the newly elected General Council who have willingly and happily surrendered to serve the leadership of the congregation.  Among others, we remembered Bro. Nico Coolen who was hospitalized and for the parents of some brothers who were sick.

The day ended with the usual evening recreation during which we celebrated the new General Council.

Valentinus Daru


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