GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
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21.08.2014 14:47:12 612x read.
Day two report of ConCon 2014.




To start with, it is worthy of note that, ConCon, 2014 is of two phases. Phase 1 on the one hand, is a follow-up on the leadership workshop we had at Denekam in the Netherlands in August, 2013 and seeks to reinforce   the learning experiences gained by participants last year supported by reflective sharing of practical implementation experiences. This slot is aimed at taking care of the spiritual and leadership development needs of participants. Thus, the period, 20Th – 22Nd August, 2014 is reserved for this reinforcement effort.

The phase 2on the other hand, slated for 26Th – 29Th would be characterised by business discussions. Here, the General Council (GC)and the Provincial Superiors (PS) would delve into matters pertaining to the lived experiences of each province in relation to the implementation of their respective provincial chapter and general chapter resolutions. This discussions certainly will not be devoid of issues which the GC things cogent to flag-up for attention, including finances, planned programmes and the impending 175Th Jubilee celebration of our dear congregation in year 2015 and the Golden jubilee celebration of Ghana Province in the same year among others.

The day 1 of phase 1 of the ConConstarted with a Morning Prayer service lead by Bro. Martin Dariyo– the Land Lord and Provincial Superior of Malawi Province. His choice of readings and reflective materials were centred on servant leadership to reflect the content of the main agenda of the day. A collection of assorted resource materials from scriptures and excerpts from the work of Bro. Bruno van de Made were used to aid our reflection. Key issues highlighted in these resource materials aimed to appeal to all  in leadership at all levels in every sphere of life, to exercise this role with caution and in the spirit of simplicity, humility, gentleness, love, patience, self-abandonment and service to their subjects rather than lord it over them. Undoubtedly, this call is in consonance with Jesus’ style of leadership and admonition to his disciples (Mt. 20: 20 – 28).

The second part of the day’s activities saw us through what is termed ‘green round’/sharing of expectations. This exercisesomehow broke the ice and thus setting the tone as well as getting the ball rolling to pave way for the second part where Bro. Guido Sukarmangave some deepening inputs on servant leadership. Loaded with the inputs, participants recessed for individual prayer/personal reflections and later regrouped to share their experiences. This was an encouraging and enriching experience for all participants as we listened attentively to each other’s stories. What is worthy of note here is that, our individual leadership experiences, in-spite of differences in Nationality, culture, language and people we lead; seemed to have a lot of communalities. This depicted some level of common concerns, joys and worries which would be given due attention in the coming days.

We wrapped up the day’s activities in the evening with a Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Most Rev. Thomas Luke Nsusa – Bishop of Blantyre Arch Diocese. He gave a succinct sermon which somehow, incidentally coincided with some elements of our days discussions. In an effort to bring his sermon to bear on practical daily life, he linked it to the current socio-economic and political situation of Malawi; calling on leaders at all levels of the fabric of society not to feed fat at the expense of their subjects but rather to work for their socio-economic liberation and political empowerment. To conclude, he recognised the tremendous contributions of the Brothers FIC in the area of education and beyond over the years in Malawi and called on the leadership of the congregation to consider sending more brothers from other provinces to Malawito help in their fight against poverty of the ordinary people who forms the greater population of the country.

By Bro. Seregeous Dery.

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