09.12.2014 21:00:03 920x read. NEWS Day twelve and thirteen of OASIS 2014, FIC-Mission (FIC Apostolic life). The topics on the agenda for 04 and 05 December were; F IC Apostolic life and focus on our Founders with special attention to Mgr Rutten.
After prayers members were taken through the FIC apostolic life. Things discussed among others thing like, FIC mission, mission statement, personal mission and difficult obedience. This put us in to reflection for some minutes. Upon reflecting on our individual values, we went into groups and shared our experiences and later shared in the larger group. However participants were made to understand that before one can go on mission, there is a purpose, which is the mission statement. This mission statement will guide us to focus on what and how our heritage should be protected. We were then task to write our own personal statement. These statements were shared and discuss in our smaller and larger groups. Besides, the facilitator explained that the universal church mission statement also said; we should
As brothers FIC, all that we think, do and say should deepened our love for Christ and his father. Bro. Theo also added that to love our heavenly father and Jesus will provide us the inspiration and motivation to love others in our mission. After knowing and understanding our apostolic life and its mission, we then focus our attention on Mgr Rutten. A song about our founders was sung to usher us into start the day’s program. The facilitator Bro. Theo in his presentation made us to understand that Mgr Rutten mission was to spread the good news, educate and form the youth and the concern for the poor and neglected was of cardinal importance to him. He did this with all his strength to salvage the situation as at that time. As brothers FIC we are all asked by our founders (Mgr Rutten and Bro Bernardus) their heritage by having;
We retired in to our rooms continue with our reflection to prepare ourselves to have a day with Mary our mother and patronage for the next day. Bro. Martin Dongbetigr Balangtaa |