08.08.2024 03:46:58 435x read. NEWS Day Three Report of the General Chapter 2024 (by Bro. Lawrence Nkonde) Day Three Report of the General Chapter 2024 The third day of the General Chapter commenced with a vibrant prayer service led by the Ghana Province, around the theme “Harnessing our Gifts and Talents for the service of God and humankind in the Spirit of Synodality.” The prayer leader asked us to reflect on the gifts and talents we are endowed with for the service of God and humanity. According to the FIC Constitutions (art. 27), each of us can use his gifts to serve others in the knowledge that we are all imperfect, and that we all need one another. The personal task of each of us should be seen in the light of our corporate apostolic mission in the Church. The morning prayer was also in honour of Bro. Agustinus Marjito who celebrates his birthday today. Following breakfast, the first session began with self-introduction and an ex During the third session in the afternoon, the Superior General, on behalf of his council, gave a PowerPoint presentation of the General Council Report. This was done as a prelude to the discussion on the eight-chapter report. Before we went into actual discussion, provincial delegates were asked to give only their general impressions. Delegates from all provinces gave positive responses. They used words and phrases like ‘comprehensive’, ‘detailed’ and ‘easy to understand’ to describe the 156-page document. One after the other, representatives of provincial delegations gave a summary of their responses on a number of issues in the report. These include commendations to the GC for a well-written document. Others gave approval on the way the resolutions were implemented, and the rest were clarifying questions. All provinces and the Religious House Netherlands had the opportunity to do this. In the last session of the afternoon, the Chile Province presented their reactions to the General Council Report, and the GC members took time to provide responses and clarifications on the questions raised. We took almost the whole session to do the discussion on the issues Chile raised. The rest of the provinces had to wait till the next day. The day concluded with a Eucharistic celebration at 6:00 pm., followed by supper and personal time for study. During evening recreation, we had the opportunity to celebrate the birthday of Bro. Agustinus Marjito in a more festive way. We were all happy with the chapter process and the day’s proceedings.
Prepared by Bro. Lawrence Nkonde |