24.11.2014 04:16:52 828x read. NEWS Day three report of OASIS 2014. OASIS 2014 - REPORT OF THE SECOND DAY, 22 NOVEMBER. After the Eucharistic celebration, participants were confronted with a question during the morning prayer service: "Why have I been chosen from my family to be a religious and secondly, from my community members to undertake this spiritual journey?" This question helped the participants to reflect on the uniqueness of the opportunity offered to each one of them to attend the climax of the journey each has began earlier. Using the song "The more we come together, the stronger we become", Brothers Theo and Valentinus Daru led participants in a number of group dynamics. This included individual as well as group work, discussion questions, drawings and role plays. Each of these games was significant as they had a number of messages to transmit, namely the value of corporation, collaboration, working together and appropriate communication. More importantly, the games were meant to bring participants close to each other and assist them get to know each other better. Particularly interesting was the question: what is your worst experience you ever had? The answers to this questions led to an appreciation of the present moment.
The significance of this service lies in the fact that it took place on the same day as the funeral rites and burial ceremonies were taking place in Ghana. It also afforded the Ghana delegation of the OASIS participants and the many friends of Bro. Nico here in The Netherlands the opportunity to pay their last respects to our dear brother and friend. Certainly, at the time of death what we are left with is shared friendship and memories. So this sharing of friendship amidst grief brought the day's proceedings to a close. Bro. Raphael Besigrinee |