01.12.2014 01:40:33 850x read. NEWS Day six and seven of OASIS 2014. Day six and seven of OASIS 2014. 27th November, 2014.
I would like to share with you what happened on 26th and the 27th November, 2014 as we journey in the desert. Wednesday started with a prayer led by Netherlands. We watched a twelve minute film about charity. At the end of the prayer service each participant was given a name. This name was to be kept secret the whole day and be revealed in the evening prayer service.
After coffee break she continued enlightening us with Apostolic Spirituality. In her explanation she said we are invited to experience the graces of unity, between the contemplative dimention of our life and our apostolic activity as a fruit of our being with God in love. Our apostolic mission is the heart of our spirituality.
The last presentation was about The Search for Christian Spirituality. Sister presented to us a gift, a wooden ring to each member representing a Holy Hole. This is a hole that each person encounters-a deep longing for connectedness. A deeply felt empty space which can only be filled by God.
Questions for reflection were:
Today the day began with a prayer service led by Chile. It also stated with a short film of about six minutes. A school girl who was talk of the town that she had a child with a sugar daddy meanwhile the truths was that she took an abandoned baby from the road side and looked after her as her own child. Sr. Claudia came again with an input on The Spiritual Way. A way of continual transformation. In different religions the way is a central metaphor for the way of the human being towards God. We encounter a God of Exodus. As the Israelites in the wilderness we also need to transform ourselves as we journey with this God of ours. There times when we choose our own way especially when we get into a crisis. This makes us loose our focus/goal. Something to remember, we cannot reform ourselves but become reformed by our surrender to God’s love.
Questions for reflection:
Note: Each crisis is for God an opportunity to transform a situation of disaster towards a situation of liberation. Reporting from Wahlwiller, this is Emmanuel Mtegha. |