25.08.2014 22:53:07 712x read. NEWS Day four report of ConCon 2014. 22nd August 2014 Concon Report. (by Bro. Fransiscus Dwiyatno).
The fourth day con-con started with morning prayer lead by the Indonesia Province. The theme of morning prayer service was “ to form a faithful community”. This theme according to the constitution about form a community and it’s inspiring us how to form a faithful community in our service . It was a beautiful prayer service . We came together in the chapel and offer our prayer to the Lord in front of our Founders Mgr. L.Rutten and Bro. Bernardus Hoecken. The chapel was nice decoration. It looks simple but beautiful and helped us to praise and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ . After breakfast we continued our meeting. At 08.30 am Br. Guido started the first session of the day by introduce the activities we are going to do for the whole day and gave the materials to each one of us for personal reflection. We received the materials about “Jesus’s Leadership , The leadership style of Jesus ; Jesus the perfect leader and Servant leadership as FIC way of life.” The third day for deepening servant leadership focus on Leadership as Jesus have done. Some Brothers spent time for personal reflection up to lunch time. It was a quite moment and meaningful time for deepening their “servant leadership. It was a moment for mirroring the function as a leader in the light of Jesus . Jesus is our example. “He comes to serve, not to be served !”. He gave himself for others. The third session in the afternoon at 4.00 pm. We came together to share our experiences. We share openly each other. We give a serious attention for everybody’s shared. All Brothers were inspired by the material, especially “ the servant leadership as FIC way of life.” It’s challenged us to implement in our service. It makes us understand and know what can we do as a leader for the good of all : for the congregation as a whole and especially as individuals Brother. What was the other Brothers share also made us grow in faith, that Jesus’s leadership is a process to become better in our everyday life and every moment. It is the way of our life. Jesus calls us to be servant as Jesus become the servant for the Kingdom of God . We closed the meeting for today with gratitude and satisfied. The first week was end and we prepare for outing to the lake and Liwonde National Park tomorrow, Saturday 23 August 2014. |