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26.08.2014 20:46:49 830x read.
Day five report on ConCon 2014.



Having had a relaxed weekend at Lake Malawi, we started the day with refreshed bodies and minds. We began with a morning prayer.

The Chairman of the ConCon, Bro. Martin Handoko called the meeting to order at exactly 08:30. He reminded the brothers of the rest of the program which is the business part of the ConCon. The day was devoted to the reports from our provinces.

In his report, the Provincial Superior of Chile, Bro. Diego Izquierdo, gave the latest developments of the province. Though only ten in number, the brothers are generally happy. Community life has significantly improved after the restructuring of their communities. He was particularly happy with the canonical visitation of November 2013. Further, the province is happy with the planned orientation visit of brothers from other provinces, and plans are already in place to welcome them in October this year.

The apostolic presence of the brothers is greatly appreciated by the people in Chile. This is the result of the commitment of the brothers to their apostolate, which is sometimes overwhelming. The province has the potential to be self-sustaining as there are a number of income-generating projects. Frantic efforts are also being made in the implementation of the General and Provincial Chapter resolutions, especially in the area of community living.

Their challenges remain lack of vocations, the overwhelming nature of their apostolate, efforts to improve inter-personal relationships and the next step to take in promoting a more formal relationship with the many lay people who are interested in our Congregation.

On the part of the Ghana province, the Provincial Superior, Bro. Seregious Dery, gave an extensive report about the province, covering a wide range of issues. These issues relate mainly to the implementation of the resolutions of both the Provincial and General Chapters. Giant and vigorous efforts are being pursued in the areas of community life, prayer and spirituality, apostolate, ongoing formation, human resource development and promotion of vocations. Very impressive efforts are also being made to generate local income. Though still at the preliminary stages, the projects have the viability potential in the near future.

The planned Golden Jubilee celebration of FIC presence in Ghana was particularly highlighted. While this is being planned, the province is also aware of the General Conference of which the province is the host in 2015. These events, together with the present apostolic demands of the province, make the brothers in the province really busy.

The challenges faced by the Province Council are dwindling vocations, criticisms of some Council decisions, health of brothers, financial pressure on studies, difficulties in getting brothers to head our institutions and how to finance the ongoing projects in the province.

As a small province with only four communities, Malawi is striving to live their fraternal lives and attend to their many apostolic needs, while learning from other provinces. The brothers are generally happy and  their lifestyles (in terms of socializing) have improved greatly. Brothers are quite cooperative when it comes to handling of responsibilities. Implementation of the resolutions of both Provincial and General Chapters is receiving attention. Most of the brothers are teaching and each belongs to one provincial committee or the other, and in this way each takes part in running the province. The Provincial Superior, Bro. Martinus Dariyo, outlined a number of  promising income generation activities in the province, namely, hostels for students, houses for lecturers and guest houses for renting. These ventures have started yielding positive results.

The PC has come out with a policy that allows teachers who stay in St. Patrick's Secondary School and St. Louis Day Secondary School to pay rent to the brothers. This money will be used to maintain the teachers' houses.  Also, the PC has decided that all FIC domestic workers be hired based on a two-year contract, which is renewable. This is to curtail the huge gratuity paid to workers.

Challenges in the province include lack of vocations, armed robbery cases in the communities, lack of experience of brothers in leadership, and too much responsibilities for each brother. Improvement in communication at all levels are also needed.

The Provincial Superior of the Netherlands (represented by Bro. Wim Luiten) was the last to present his report. He gave an overview of the situation in the province in terms of their ages. There are presently 66 brothers in the province. The oldest is 98 years old, while the three youngest brothers are between 62 and 65. At their age, it is becoming more and more difficult for them to serve in leadership positions. In view of this, Mr. Theo de Groot has been asked to serve in the present PC as advisor, till the end of their term of office.

He also outlined the activities for the celebration of the 175th Anniversary of the Congregation planned for 2015. This will involve associated members, friends and acquaintances of brothers and other officials. The brothers are no longer involved in active apostolate, hence implementation of resolutions of any of the Chapters is very limited. Caring for the brothers is the major concern.

The presentations and discussions were very fruitful and cordial as each had ample time to express himself.  As usual, the day ended with a Eucharistic celebration at 18:00 hours.

Raphael Besigrinee

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