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01.12.2014 15:43:52 903x read.
Day eight of OASIS 2014.

November 28, 2014.

Today is Friday, 28thof November, at Wahlwiller, at 7:40, the sun not yet reveals itself, cold air about 5 degrees, but the participants of OASIS are ready in the prayer room. This morning prayer was special. Besides we were continuing to reflect on the salvation history of God through the history of our lives, we also contemplated and celebrated the life we have received, especially through the celebration of the birthday of Br. Zacharias. He is one of the participants from Indonesia, which celebrates his 49th birthday. Prayer was led by Br. Martin Balangtaa, Ghana's delegation. This prayer led the participants of OASIS to go enter to the deeper reflection about God, who is love and live in the history of our lives. Today also, God showed His love through the memorial cofounder SSpS sisters, Sr. Hendrina Stenmanns SSpS.  The Sisters of SSpS manage ‘Arnold Yanssen Retreat House’, where OASIS was held.

Br. Johan Muijtjens as our resource person helped us to deepen the topic of Sexuality and Spirituality. Br. Johan invited the participants of OASIS to realize that we are a person who has once sexuality and spirituality. All of these are as a strong energy within us. Br. Johan stressed that the Human sexuality is basically our longing for connectedness-and all what we have done in order to make the community in many different forms. It is not first of all related to the use of our genitals. It is a wider reality that we are called to be Co-Creators with God. No healthy sexuality without a healthy spirituality, and also no healthy spirituality without a healthy sexuality. Longing for the Beloved. We long to experience the love of God for us. We desire to express our love of God.

After the copy break at 10:00, the participants were given the opportunity to reflect personally. We are expected to reflect on the material that has been accepted. We are given the opportunities for our own, be quiet, and met with ourself. Each one of us was expected to feel itself as a human being who has a sexuality and spirituality. We also reflected on how far we understand the meaning of sexuality and spirituality that can be capture, can be felt, and lived out in daily life.

We came together again in the meeting room at 11:15. The participants were given the opportunity to provide feedback, to share, and to ask for things that are not yet clear.  We as the participants of Oasis used well this opportunity for 45 minutes until before lunch. Many of us are actively involved. Among other things, there is a comment that is "No healthy sexuality without a healthy spirituality" and "no healthy spirituality without healthy sexuality". The participants seemed to understand and feel satisfied to the various explanations and concrete examples.

We got a special meal on this day. We came to the feast that celebrates the memorial cofounder SSpS sisters, Sr. Hendrina Stenmanns SSpS. On Friday there is a usually menu with fish but today there are no fish. Menu of fish already presented yesterday. We got the special menu today is the fried pork with the delicious wine and ice cream. Thanks to the Sisters of SSpS in Arnold Janssen Convent for allowing us to join the party. May the spirit of the Sisters SSpS increasingly blazed to proclaim the Kingdom of God.

Starting at 14:30 in the afternoon, it was a deepening the spirituality of our body. Br. Johan invited the participants to appreciate and love deeply our bodies. The spirituality of our body has some elements, they are: positive appreciation to our body; good care to our body and its qualities; the attitude of attention and open; listening to its language and messages; appreciation of our gender; and deep love and gratitude.

After the participants got the illustration of spiritualty of our body briefly, solid and systematic, for 90 minutes, the participants were given the opportunity to hold personal reflection for 1 hour. Each of us was invited to see how far the role of the body in the term of our spiritual development. We realized the talents of our body, be aware of our identity. We appreciated and loved our bodies as God's wonderful grace. Hopefully we can nourish our bodies with respect, love and gratitude.

We cannot separate our Spirituality and our body. Our spirituality can be appearing in the movement of body language. After reflected on the spirituality of our body personaly in our rooms, we jointed the exercises in the meeting room. Sr Claudia trained us to pray with body language by dancing with the music in order to feel the unity of our spirituality and body. We tried to express our gratitude for the grace of God which we have received every day, then we offer to God, and we share with others. We danced togather by moving toward and going back, shaking to right and to left, by hands reaching out to the front with palms facing down, open up, and to the rear. These became a togetherness movement which is beautiful and meditative. The other exercise is a movement to take the water of life that is spread to others. This dance became a beautiful dance, compact and meaningful. We feel there is a deep compactness, compact in doing activities with other, compact in the heart to glorify God, and indeed the body becomes relaxed. We feel united with others, but also feel the unity between the whole body, mind and spirit, in us who pray.

Today,  our activities ended by Chile Evening. We had the recreation from the delegation of Chile. Br. Eko showed the movie on the socio-cultural situation of the country of Chile with all the beauty and wealth. There are beautiful traditional dances of Chile. But there is also a common contemporary dance use to be danced by young people. Br. Patricio invited the participants of OASIS to dance togather. He gave an example and invited the others to follow him. We were happy and it made the body became warm and relaxes. Also in this moment, the Chilean Brothers presented the games. They invited all of us to dance together with the music. When the music stop we have to enter into a certain group; racing transfer a ball from the hands of one person to another in the line of the circle or a straight line. While the game was goingon, it is also interspersed a drink Piscosour, high alcoholic beverages with sour taste, red wine and snacks cash Chile. We also got a souvenir from Chile. All of these as the means to get to know fellow brothers among provinces. Hopefully we are getting to know each other and we more love one another.

Bro. Antonius Karyadi

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