10.09.2022 16:43:53 469x read. NEWS DAY 3 REPORT: THEME: FORMATION FOR CONSECRATED LIFE. (by Bro. Aaron Nee-eru) DAY 3 REPORT: THEME: FORMATION FOR CONSECRATED LIFE To begin the day, we had our morning prayer in the form of a prayer service on a theme, “Formation for consecrated life”. The speaker of the day was Rev. Fr. Peter Laast from the congregation of Holy Ghost Fathers also known as Spiritans. He started the presentation by saying the word formation should reform as conversion because is primary and allowing one to be connected with God. In order to be formed or converted is a way of change of mind and heart. To convert or form young men we need to ask ourselves in what areas do we need to be formed. Am I an alternative? The alternative that could touch and change people’s lives. An alternative that can bring people closer to God or am just joining the crowd? How do we Identify ourselves when we no longer have control or power over our apostolate areas? How do I witness? Consecrated life a life of ministry, a life as a pilgrimage Consecrated life is a partnership with the Lord to be witnesses and prophets in the world. To be a true consecrated person, you need to see Jesus as your focus, model and inspiration. There is a dwindle of vocation may be we are not an alternative because it does not longer attract youths. Religious vows are divine because they are directly talking to God. As consecrated person if we allow the modern world to draw an agenda for us, we will lose our values and identity. The path of choosing consecrated life is high which restrict some not to respond to the call. CHANGES IN THE WORLD VIEW ON THE PART OF FORMATION Forming young men to be witnesses in the world should not be taken for granted. It is an undeniable fact that the changes of the world in a way affects the consecrated life. The three effect of consecrated he mention are the higher individualism, crises of identity in individual and discouragement to witness the gospel value. What is our calling? It is a call you have to listen to it. It needs self-attunement and inner listening. A call into the religious life is a call to relationship with God. The love of God motivated us to respond the call. Vocation is not something one choose but a call to conversion to minister. A calling and apostolate stands in the shadow of the cross. Gradual discernment and cleaning our motives is important. THE WAY FORWARD We must set up structures to march with the current situations. The morning session ended with lunch and brothers go into groups to share their experiences on the questions given them. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION At 5:00 PM, the groups came together to present some the questions given for discussing and sharing. These are;
Below are some outcome of the sharing.
![]() GROUP B QUESTION 1 The outcome of the session, the good things we can put to use in our formation process and personal contribution to build up formee.
QUESTION 2 As religious is there some risk that Jesus Christ may be inviting us to take for him in our present era?
QUESTION 3 . How do you exhibit virtue in your daily life as consecrated person?