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27.07.2016 21:35:55 824x read.
Daily Report Congregational Conference and Formators' Meeting 2016 at Syalom Retreat House in Bandungan, Indonesia.

Report Day 2
Daily report Congregational Conference and Formators’ Meeting 2016 at “Syalom” Retreat House in Bandungan, Indonesia.
The whole day was a very good day. We were blessed with a nice weather. In the morning sun shined brightly and in the evening sunset with the yellow gold radiated the sky.
We began the first day of our Congregational Conference and Formators’ Meeting with morning prayer service led by Bro. Kuncoro (Indonesia Province delegation). He prepared a decoration which symbolized “Unity in Love” of the Congregation on the floor in front of the altar. That decoration consist of some small candles and one big candle put in the middle of the decoration as a center. That is a symbol of Jesus Christ who present as a center of the whole process of the Congregational Conference and Formators’ Meeting 2016. In between of those candles he placed some character of animals such as frogs, birds, geese, penguin which made from paper (origami). All character of those animals placed on the “batik” clothes symbolized an ark, like Noah ark in the Bible. That decoration is a symbol of “unity in Love” derived from FIC Constitutions art. 34,  and our symbol, all participants of Congregational Conference and Formators’ Meeting, who come from different countries and  background of apostolic works, yet all of us still united in order to find methods and means to achieve “Holistic Formation” in the FIC Congregation.
The first day of two days recollection today led by Bro. Guido. He prepared all of the recollection material and activities to facilitate our recollection day. We began our recollection by sang together “Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me” and then continued by introduction of the recollection under the theme “Doing works of Formation”. It was said during the introduction that we shall spent our time reflectively being present to our daily works of formation. We hope to be more in touch with our own present perception and insight, disposition and experiences; furthermore, we may than see the way to continue growing as persons who are doing works of formation.
In the second session of the first day, we were given exercise on “A vision in forming FIC character Profile”. It was explained in the introduction that being a formator is being an instrument of God to help/facilitate the growth/the becoming of formees to be growing towards Jesus. Jesus who grew in four areas-wisdom, physical, spiritual, and social; who developed perfectly and to become an obedient servant as the main purpose of his development.
Besides personal reading and reflection, we also given time to share and discuss in the provincial group. The whole third session in the afternoon was a sharing activities in plenary session.  Bros. Felicio and Seregeous (Ghana), Patricio and Diego (Chile), Wensislaus (Indonesia), Stanslao and Martin Dariyo (Malawi), Purwanto and Kuncoro (Indonesia) were some of the brothers who took part to share the discussion result in their group or based on their own reflection.
To the impression of the participants that the first day of the recollection was an inspiring day.
Valentinus Daru S. (Indonesia Province)

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