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26.07.2016 16:56:28 828x read.
Daily Report Congregational Conference and Formators' Meeting 2016 at Syalom Retreat House in Bandungan, Indonesia.

Congregational Conference and Formators’ Meeting.
Syalom Retreat House, Bandungan-Indonesia, July 24th – 6th August, 2016.
First of all, we thank God that all participants of our Congregational Conference and Formators’ Meeting have arrived in Bandungan-Indonesia safely, yet in a good condition and healthy. We were happy to be in Indonesia to meet our fellow brothers and to participate in the Congregational Conference and Formators’ Meeting, Sunday 24th  July  – 6th August 2016. We were very grateful for the warm welcoming of our fellow brothers especially Jakarta-Haji Nawi, Semarang, Salatiga-Roncalli, Jogjakarta, Muntilan, Ambarawa, and “Syalom Retreat House” Communities.
Bro. Frans Dwiyatno, the Provincial Superior of Indonesia province welcoming all participants: “Inline with our tradition, and as host I wish to once again extend to you our blessing and warmest welcome to Indonesia. I welcome you, especially to our dearest General Superior, Bro. Martinus, and his Councillors, the Provincial Superiors and delegates from all the five provinces. We are truly happy to see all of you here in this opening ceremony of Congregational Conference and Formators’ Meeting. It is our hope that you would feel at home and enjoy the short time you will have with us”. He also give some remarks about the theme of our Conference, “Holistic Formation for the sake of the Kingdom”, as follows: a) This theme invite us to improve the awareness of the formation as an FIC just for the sake of God’s Kingdom, b) We want to be a good person, to become a better person, c) we want to grow towards Jesus; to draw life from His life; to make the Good News of the coming of the Kingdom as our own message. (FIC Constitutions no. 4)
After one or more weeks the participants took their rest in some of our houses in Central Java, on Sunday evening we opened our Congregational Conference and Formators’ Meeting with Welcoming address to the participants from Provincial Superior of Indonesia province, Opening address by the General Superior, Introduction and green round of each participant and some practicalities by the director of “Syalom Retreat House”. 
According to the plan we have made we have Eucharistic Celebration at 18.00, but because of the “laziness” of the priest who will lead the Eucharist, we change  our schedule. We had our supper at 18.30 and followed by Eucharistic Celebration at 20.00 in the evening. During the Homily  our priest gave one important thing in connection with the formation, namely, there is a strong connection relationship a candidate with his/her biologically father/mother, with his/her superiors (both local and provincial), and also with his/her Father/Mother (God). So that why it is very important as Formators we know the historical background of our candidate’s family or has a good relationship with their family. After finish the Eucharistic Celebration the participants and our fellow brothers who coming from the neighbor communities having recreation together.
The theme of the Congregational Conference and Formators’ Meeting is “Holistic formation for the sake of the Kingdom”. As mention by Bro. Martin Handoko on his opening address, “Formation should involve the whole person, in every aspect of the personality, in behavior and intentions. The manner of preparing for it should include and express the character of wholeness”. (Vita Consecrata, no. 65) Accordingly the objective of this combined meeting is to find ways and means of preparing candidates in the initial formation holistically, to help the candidates develop themselves to be truly human, Christian, and religious at the same time. 
From the sharing of “Green Round” we found that all participants were ready to participate on this gathering. All participants expected that the conference will bear abundant fruit for the whole Congregation especially in connection with the initial formation. The atmosphere of the opening session was very good, each participant felt free to introduce themselves and honesty expressed their feeling and expectation in connection with the conference.
By trusting in God’s guidance and the protection of Mary, our mother and patroness, our General Superior officially opened the FIC Congregational Conference and Formators’ Meeting 2016. In his conclusion of his opening address he also mentioned that through formal and informal interaction among the participants, we wish to receive and give mutual support, inspiration, and encouragement. We hope that the spirit of love and service continue to grow in us following the example of Jesus himself who said that he had not come to be served but to serve.
1. Syalom Retreat House. Syalom Retreat House has 4 unit of buildings. There are “Vitus”, “Aloysius”, “Ludovikus”, and “Bernardus”. The last two buildings are very new buildings and it will be blessed on Sunday, July 31th 2016. 
2. The address of Syalom Retreat House is: Jalan Ampel Gading no. 26, Gelaran, Kenteng, Bandungan, Ambarawa, Central Java.
3. Brothers who work in Syalom Retreat House are: Bro. Valentinus Daru (Director), Bro. Albertus Haryadi (Staff), and Bro. Wensislaus (Staff)
Theodorus Suwaryanto

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