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Congregational Conference 2023 Daily Report Day-4 - Thursday, 15th June

Congregational Conference 2023 Daily Report 

Day-4 - Thursday, 15th June

Reported by Bro. Valentinus Daru Setiaji

After two days of intensive recollection and input, we began with “business” today.  Entering this essential part of the Con-Con, we started the day with a prayer service led by Bro. Fransiskus Asisi Dwiyatno, the Provincial Superior of Indonesia. Inspired by the gospel reading of today (Matt 5:20-26), he lead us to reflect on the transformation process from living only by following a set of rules to living in the spirit that makes up the rules. Such kind of life will give us freedom and peace. With a well-known prayer for peace from St. Francis of Assisi as the closing prayer, we indeed began the day with this fine inspiration.

After breakfast, we met in the main hall of Roncalli retreat center. Here, we have more space compared to the previous meeting room, where we began with a recollection and input. The participants are happy to have this change and grateful to the center's director. Today's first session began with a discussion on the General Chapter Resolution 12, namely the Congregational Program on Continuing Spiritual Formation. This resolution requests the General Council to organize an ongoing formation activity to give a concrete shape to the ideals of Article 115 of our Constitutions. Such a program will also confirm and nourish the international character of our Congregation and strengthen our unity and international brotherhood. 

Bro. Theo Suwaryanto, who made the presentation, explained to the participants the concrete form of the program based on the resolution on this matter produced at the Con-con 2022. The forthcoming spiritual journey program will occur in The Netherlands from 1st - 21st October 2023. The theme of the FIC Spiritual Journey is “Called together and sent to be bearers of good news in a joyful life”, that is to say “Deepening our identity and mission as FIC Brothers.”  The spiritual journey program is merely a component of the “FIC Spiritual Journey to Spiritual Enrichment”. Bro. Theo guided the house through the spiritual journey program curriculum: the theme, objectives, methods, activities, participants, animators, materials, etc.

He pleaded with the Provincial Superiors and the animators to assist participants to have sufficient and proper preparation for the actual program in The Netherlands. The Spiritual Journey, when effectively completed, is expected to increase the individual religious self-awareness as well as his comprehension of the FIC Identity and Mission.

In the second session of the morning,  Bro. Theo gave a presentation on the use of the internet and social media in connection with the implementation of General Chapter Resolution number 32B.  He explained that this session was a continuation of last year’s Con-con discussions on the topic. Key points highlighted in his presentation include: Social media and the internet are a gift from God; social media and the internet reshape religious life; there should be a connection between social media and our charism; to be spiritual does not mean to be offline but to build our spirituality through social media; provinces should encourage brothers on the positive use of social media and internet.


Bro. Theo concluded by saying that last year’s Con-Con mandated the Congregational leaders to create the awareness among brothers on the responsible use of social media. To complete the presentation, he invited Provincial Superiors to share the resolution’s implementation in their respective provinces.

We began the first-afternoon session with a short prayer lead by Bro. Frans. Afterward, it was time for the province of Chile to present its annual report to the Conference. Bro. Lucio Torres gave an extensive insight into the latest developments of the province, including the joys and worries of the life and work of the brothers. As our smallest province, the Brothers are doing their utmost to serve one another and the people they work for. There was a special presentation on a program prepared to mark 70 years of FIC presence in Chile which will take place from October until December 2023. Unfortunately, there was no adequate time for the participants to express their comments, impressions, or questions due to the limited time. We wish all of them success in their mission, especially in celebrating 70 years FIC presence in Chile.

After a 30-minute break, we met again at 5 pm. This time the Provincial Superior of Ghana, Bro. Seregeous Dery, shared the annual report of Ghana Province. The structure of his report includes Introduction, Province-specific statistics;  Living the Constitutions; Joys and Challenges; Provincial Council Visits; Implementation of Provincial and General Chapter Resolutions; Provincial Developments, and eventually, the Conclusion. After a short question-and-answer session, we closed the day by celebrating the Eucharist, thanking God for a fruitful day.

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