28.09.2022 16:23:49 560x read. NEWS ConCon- Ghana- 27th September,2022. ( By Lawrence Sitima) ConCon- Ghana- 27th September,2022 By Lawrence Sitima
The day started with a Prayer Service led by Bro. Seregeous Dery, the Provincial Superior of Ghana Province. The theme of the reflection was Communion of Life. After the opening song, two articles from the FIC Constitutions, articles 41 and 42, were read by Bros. Lawrence Sitima and Javier Solis on Dialogue, Contact and deliberation and Community Life respectively. Both articles put emphasis on the importance of our living together in community with others, and how we should treat one another. Welcoming one another, as Christ has welcomed each one of the community members is a mark of good community living. At 09:00 hrs., we gathered in the conference room, and the General Superior led the discussion on resolution 4B of the General Chapter 2018- Composition of the next General Chapter. Points that came up among others where participants shared their suggestions are as follows:
The GC will further discuss among themselves and get in touch with the provinces and RHN on the way forward.
The second session was on resolution 24 B: Observers General Chapter. The discussion took more time than was planned because there were differences on the opinions of the members on the role of observers and whether also some of our brothers from other provinces could be invited too as observers. Some participants were for the observes to only come from the province where the ConCon or the General Chapter is taking place. This again is an ongoing process for further consultation, for there were different suggestions.
Promotion of Association, Res.29B, was the last session of the day and it was facilitated by bro. Raphael. The presentation explored areas through which we could formally promote association in our provinces. I must admit that the presentation made some of us more aware on how we could formally promote association in provinces and through which others may get to know why we do the works we do as Brothers FIC and how they could share in this mission.
Provincial Superiors and the Leader of Religious House Netherlands were given time to share how this is done in their respective provinces. The sharing was experienced as enriching and an eye opener for the promotion of association to others, especially our students, their parents, people we work with and those of good will. This marked the end of the morning sessions and participants were asked to spend the afternoon for correction of the minutes of the previous sessions. |