30.09.2022 01:17:24 517x read. NEWS CONCON 2022, Wa-Ghana, 28th September 2022. (Reported by: Bro. Javier Solis U.) CONCON 2022, Wa-Ghana, 28th September 2022. (Reported by: Bro. Javier Solis U.) The day started with a Prayer Service led by Bro. Frans. Asisi Dwiyatno, the Provincial Superior of Indonesia Province. The theme of the reflection was Happy Poverty. Bro. Frans invited us to reflect with the constitutions FIC, N° 2 and with the gospel Luke 18:18.27 “How hard it is rich people to enter the Kingdom of God” In the reflection wue can realice that we need the spirituality of poverty and deliver ourselves into the hands of God. At 09:00 hrs., we gathered in the conference room, and the General Superior Bro. Agustine invited to lead Bro. Remy Nyukorong the reflection on the Congregational finances. Bro. Remy presented in a very clear and precise way the financial situation of the congregation (FIC) and how it has been affected by the capital market and the geopolitical situation worldwide. finally he left us the following conclusions to be considered for what is to come: We are living in a more shock-prone world.
After some questions that were answered and clarified by the General Superior Bro. Agustine about this matter. The second session was on resolution 32B: The use of Internet and Social Media. Bro. Agustine and Bro. Theo guided the topic. Bro. Theo invited us to discuss the proposal 32B: The use of Internet and Social Media. Bro. Theo said that social media tools as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are part of everyday life. Used well, they can add to our call and mission meaningfully. But used poorly, they can cause lasting damage to us and others, to our being and doing as FIC brothers. He also told us that social media can arise risks and negative consequences for community life, but above all, he emphasized how social media can be a means to spread the Good News of Jesus and can also be a bridge to bring us closer to young people and promote our vocation as FIC brothers. We need to be “in the world” and demonstrate our being and doing as FIC brothers, and do that for others to see. We can be the light of the world. We appreciate the presentation made by the Bro. Agustine, the General Superior. He encourages Brothers, on behalf of GC to use the social media: as a means of witnessing God’s love, from a religious perspective, for human development, justice and peace, building of personal relationships in a spirit of unity and solidarity, to communicate effectively, the Christian/congregational values in a positive, proper and wise way to show our identity and mission as religious brothers in the church and in society with respect to human dignity and to avoid negative impact of it. Finally Bro. Agustine remarked that social media can be an effective means for evangelization. It can be used to promote social, spiritual, emotional, cognitive development of the youth. It can be an extension of pastoral presence. After de presentation, the provincial superiors were invited to make known how social media works in their respective provinces. this enriched the conversation. We realize that Social media is in the process of development in each province. After lunch. We had the afternoon free to read the minutes and prepare for the next day. To end the day we celebrate the Eucharist to thank all the gifts of God in our lives as FIC brothers and after dinner the General Council had a meeting with brother Lawrence Sitima Provincial Superior of Malawi |