21.09.2022 18:19:12 501x read. NEWS CONCON-2022 GHANA, 20/09/2022 By. Javier Solis Urbano. CONCON-2022 GHANA, 20/09/2022 By. Javier Solis Urbano.
The day was marked by the discussion and presentation of the global problem we have: climate crisis that affects the poor and needy and how from an evangelical perspective we can illuminate our FIC mission. We stared the morning with an inspired prayer, led by Bro. Seregeous, the Provincial Superior of FIC Ghana province. The theme of the prayer service was: “Deepening our Prayer, Community and Apostolic Life”. Bro. Seregeous motivated us by indicating that: “A good prayer life positively impacts on community living and apostolate. Good community life, leads us to prayer, the result of which is action in ministry. Apostolic experiences brought to prayer and shared in community is an enrichment. Over emphasis on apostolate to the neglect of prayer, signals a looming danger in the life of a religious if unchecked”. On this morning prayer, Bro. Seregeous informed that today we celebrate 102nd anniversary of FIC presence in Indonesia. We joined with all brothers in Indonesia on this special occasion to thank God for his blessing and protection for the lives and the apostolates they have. The first part of the first session, Bro. Augustine as General Superior invited Brother Johan Muijtjens to discuss and give input on the theme “Care of Our Environment” to the participants of the Con-Con 2022. We are grateful for the enthusiasm and courage of Brother Johan who presented the theme Conversion to our Earth that has a high meaning for all of us who share the Earth Planet. Brother Johan invited us to become aware and deepen our responsibility as leaders both as brothers and as educators. Survey of his presentation is on the Inspiration of Laudato Si, Extending the ‘Good Samaritan’ and Matthew 25, Changing Human Consciousness, Conversion to OUR Earth and Suggested Conclusions. In the end of his presentation, tells us: FALLING IN LOVE! “Ecological conversion means falling in love with the Earth as an extremely valuable, living community in which we human beings may and have to participate”. It means too making every effort to be creatively faithful to its well-being, in tune with the living God who brought it into being and cherishes it with unconditional love. This turning, this conversion to the Earth is not done to the exclusion of other human beings, especially those poor and marginalized, but in view of their flourishing which is intertwined with ecological health on all levels. The living God, whose compassion is over all creation, was already present, embracing also them with divine love. Being converted to the Earth, to OUR Earth with its myriad inhabitants at this time of their distress, is a moral imperative that transforms us towards greatheartedness – in resonance with the Love that empowers all. Yes, listen WHOLEHEARTEDLY to the voice of creation. And then DO whatever this love inspires you to ! GOD BLESS!! The first afternoon session Bros. Augustine and Theo presented a proposal to be analysed and discussed by the members of the Con-Con according to the General Chapter Resolution 28B “Care of Our Environment”. Bro. Theo proposes some ideas how to implement that resolution, as followed: 1. Spreading and deepening the Document of “Laudato Si” and actively get involve in the yearly season of Creation or “World day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.” (1st September to 4th October) 2. Putting on the “Local-Curriculum” Ecological education in all levels of schools. (Awareness).
3. Promoting and establishing “Environmental Stewardship” in schools and institutions. Environmental stewardship means managing the environmental resources under one’s sphere of influence. We use the “influencer” at schools or institutions to create a group or groups who actively promote and do something in connection with “Care for the Environment”. 4. In schools and Institutions: At least once a month pray together in connection with the care of the creatures: The canticle of the creatures by Saint Francis of Asisi, A prayer for the earth by Pope Francis, Etc. Declaring “An Environmental Week” at the end of school terms. Giving the detail guidelines of caring the environment. The second afternoon session Bro. Lucio Torres, the Provincial Superior of FIC Chile province, presented the annual Report of the province. From his presentation we got to know better about the latest situation of FIC Chile province. Finally, we celebrate the Eucharist as brothers in a living Christ in the midst of the people.