The 7Th Day of the ConCon, 2023 began with the usual Morning Prayer service, led by Ghana Province under the theme “Deepening our Communal living, Prayer and Apostolate”. Highlights of the reflection were among others the fact that, prayer, community life and apostolate are important and indispensable pillars in the life of the religious and need equal attention in practice. A neglect of any of them, ultimately leads to some form of negative drift if left unchecked.
Religious communities are meant to be life enhancing homes and not hostels. We are called to model our lives after the example of Christ, in prayer, community and apostolate. This reflection somehow, served as prelude to the first agenda item of the day. As part of our tradition, special intercessory prayers were offered for the Brother who celebrated his birthday as well our departed Brothers. We also prayed for vocations.
The first discussion of the day as hinted earlier, centred on Resolution 19A of our 2018 General Chapter (Deepening our Communal living, Prayer and Apostolate). As introduction to the topic; Br. Raphael Besigrinee gave an inspiring and thought provoking reflection. For him, Prayer, community, and apostolate form part of our identity as religious. Prayer however, should be prioritised in the formation of our interior lives and contact with God. This, if well nurtured should find reflection in our Communal life, relationship with others, apostolic zeal and other approaches. Many of the challenges that arise in Religious Communities are attributable to insufficient attention given to prayer and reflection in the life of individual members and in some cases as a group. Not much time is devoted to self-immersion/listing in solitude with the God who calls and missions us. Religious Communities are more than mere social contract with set goals or objectives. This is so because the formation of a Religious Community is prompted by faith and the conviction that members are called by God who is the central impelling force. Our God experience and being, as individuals and also as a Religious Community, should never be sacrificed on alter of any quest for apostolic success. The latter is important though, but it must be noted that, it is born out of the former and depends on it for a guaranteed sustenance and success.
Following this, Ghana and Indonesia Provinces took turns and respectively shared on the functioning of “the liturgical committee” and “the Commission for Strengthening Community Life” in their Provinces. These sharing brought to the fore, how the particular resolution is implemented in the two Provinces.
The focus of the afternoon discussions were on resolutions 17A (Formulation and pursuance of specific community mission). Br. Raphael again made a presentation on how the General Council (Emmaus Community) arrived at formulating their specific community mission. He admitted that, doing this is not an easy task. It requires time, research and the involvement of all community members. As a starting point, they gathered history of the community - why it was created and the reasons for the choice of name. Next came discernment of the vision, mission, essential pillars and core values of the community. He further shared how the daily community life is organised in their community. Following this, Provincial Superiors and Leader of the Religious House, Netherlands (RHN) took turns to share on what has been done in their respective provinces on the subject matter.
The GC gave some information on Resolutions 7A (RHN) and 20A (Article on elderly brothers) which requires a revision of our Constitutions. The House recognised the need but will defer it to the next General Chapter as a proposal.
The day was concluded with a Eucharistic celebration at 6:30pm to mark the memorial of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious. It was an occasion in which we prayed for increase in vocations particularly to the Brothers FIC way of life. In general, it was a day well spent. To God be the glory for the day’s achievements.
By Br. Seregeous Dery, FIC. 21St June, 2023 Salatiga, Indonesia |