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18.06.2023 07:10:32 485x read.





Today, Friday, 16Th September, 2023, marked the 4Th Day of the ongoing ConCon 2023. The day coincided with the solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, a celebration that puts  emphasis on Jesus’s Heart as a universal symbol of love, truth and faith. As a symbol we Catholics cherish and promote the cross of Jesus because it constantly reminds us of God’s forgiveness and love for humanity. 


The day’s weather in Salatiga was generally clear, sunny and good. The natural beauty and serene environment, endowed with assorted species of giant trees, flowers and kempt lawns of Roncalli Institute, largely aided the comfort and readiness of participants for the day’s activities. 


We began the day as usual with a prayer service under the theme “In the footsteps of our founders”, facilitated by Br. Lawrence Sitima. He gave an inspiring introduction on the theme. The chosen readings for the prayer service further sought to remind participants of the fact that as Brothers, leadership in whatever capacity we find ourselves, is not for ourselves, but for the people whom we work with and lead. Therefore, our time, talents and energy should be unreservedly made available in addressing their needs as well as meeting set goals of the group. We were also reminded of the fact that, the exercise of leadership will not always attract the admiration of all followers at all times. The quest to have the right things done, point out mistakes, errors and weaknesses and to act firmly with authority when need be sometimes will incur dislike/avoidance of others. In all these as a leader, one is not to relent but rather remain resolute and focused in carrying out his mandate, if he is to succeed.


Breakfast was followed by the day’s scheduled secessions. The implementation of resolution 28B of our 2018 General Chapter on “Care for our environment” caught our attention during the first session. Br. Theodorus Suwaryanto, in introducing the topic also highlighted the conclusions of the 2022 ConCon in Ghana on same topic. This served to refresh the minds of participants as well as prompt them on what was expected from them. This paved way for reports from the various Provinces and Religious House Netherlands (RHN) on how they had implemented the resolution, the progress made, challenges encountered and the way forward. 


The reports generated some commends and discussions. In the final analysis, it was recognised that, the call on us to care for our environment should be an ongoing exercise, requiring the attention of all. We need to continue to create awareness as well as embark on concrete practical actions on curbing all those human activities within our limits that contributes to the destruction of the environment. For this to have any impact, “all hands must be on deck” at all levels. As brothers, we are called to lead the crusade in whichever place and/or capacity we find ourselves, by first showing good examples and stimulating others to do same. This movement should show forth not only in our personal life style and initiatives but also in community projects and apostolate. We should seek to positively influence others by not only helping change negative attitudes but also excite them to take practical actions.


The rest of the day’s sessions were devoted for Malawi and Indonesia Provinces to present their annual reports. These reports among others highlighted, their statistics, human resource development, living out the Constitutions, joys and challenges, visitations, implementation of Provincial/General chapter resolutions and new developments. Following this, some commendations, suggestions and clarifying questions were asked by some members of the house. 


The day was concluded with a Eucharistic celebration at 6:15pm to mark the solemnity of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. In general, it was a day well spent. All our deliberations were successful. To God be glory for the day’s achievements.


By Br. Seregeous Dery, FIC.

16Th June, 2023

Salatiga, Indonesia  

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