17.01.2018 21:16:08 825x read. NEWS Apostolic Congress 2018, Salatiga-Indonesia, Report day 2. Apostolic Congress 2018, Salatiga-Indonesia, Report day 2 The activities of the day begun with an opening prayer led by the Indonesian delegation. Though the day was gloomy, the participants looked very enthusiastic and ready to participate in the program of the day. The first two sessions of the day were devoted to "Group dynamics" led by Bros. Valentinus Daru and Theodorus Riyanto. The aim was to enable participants to get to know each better and to get closer to one another. Besides, it created a relaxed atmosphere for the brothers to express themselves freely. Meanwhile, through the exercises we learned a lot about the nature and dynamics of building community and the rubrics of apostolic engagements. We enjoyed a number of activities including singing simple songs and making movements with our bodies. There were also simple group competitive activities such as building a tower using old news papers, using chopsticks to pick seeds and forming words using letters. It was an enjoyable moment seeing brothers competing in activities meant for kindergarten children. But this created a joyful atmosphere and taught us a lot of lessons in team building and collaboration in community living. As was clear during the evaluation, we learnt a lot about each other especially the characteristics of groupings, human nature and temperaments. In the afternoon session, we started a recollection on the document "Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church" with a focus on the third part: "Brotherhood, the Gift we give away”. A number of materials in the form of booklets were given to support the reflection on the document. After a detailed presentation, participants spent the rest of the afternoon on their own for a personal reflection or deepening on the document. There were three questions for reflection and discussion. 1) What is really the mission of our being brothers, especially as FIC Brothers? 2) What is meant by “The love of Christ is linked to love of humanity? and 3) In the reality of our lives as Brothers FIC, how do we experience or try to live out “Brotherhood, the Gift we give away?” It was clear that to do mission is to continue the work of Jesus Christ and feel like people being sent to evangelize, to proclaim the Gospel message of liberation to those oppressed and to work for their human development. (compare to FIC Constitutions art. 18, 20, 28) It was also obvious that the presence of Religious Brothers is "a mission" in itself. The minister is the whole person of the Brother: consecrated, member of a community, identified with the mission. We assume the privilege and responsibility of representing the Church to the Good Shepherd who gives his life for his sheep. The key message is that the Brother is called to be a transmitter in the chain of love and covenant which comes from the Father through Jesus and which he has experienced personally. Cut off from Jesus Christ you can do nothing. The day closed with Eucharistic Celebration in the chapel. (Bro. Martinus Dariyo) |