12.07.2024 01:28:44 1769x read. NETHERLANDS Words of Condolences on the Death of Bro. Maarten Bouw. (by: Bro. Augustine Kubdaar) Dear Brothers of the Religious House The Netherlands,
WORDS OF CONDOLENCE ON THE DEATH OF BRO. MAARTEN BOUW. We received the unfortunate news of the passing of our Brother Maarten Bouw. Despite our prayers for his recovery during his illness, God has chosen to grant him eternal peace. We are grateful to God for the gifts of his life and the brotherhood we share for many years. As recorded in article 11 of our constitutions, not only are we going to keep alive the memory of our Founders, but we also feel an everlasting relationship with our deceased fellow-brothers; grateful for their inspiring example, we honour their heritage as well. We commemorate them in our prayers and commend ourselves to their intercession.
Dear Brothers, we, the GC and all your fellow brothers in the provinces, wish to convey our sincerest condolences to you (fellow Brothers), the family members, friends, and acquaintances of the late Bro. Maarten. As we mourn and prepare for his burial, be rest assured that we are keeping you in our prayers. Stay firm in mind and body, united as a family, and steadfast in hope and faith in God.
Yours Fraternally,
Bro. Augustine Kubdaar (Superior General, FIC) |