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18.07.2024 13:30:40 682x read.


“…I laid the foundation, …Let each one take care how he builds upon it. [1Cor3:10]


On the morning of Wednesday, July 10, 2024 as early as 7.30 a.m. I was returning to my room, after morning prayers and breakfast, full of energy and enthusiasm to begin the day. Before reaching the door to my room the Brother who lives next door called out to me from his room and said, ‘Bro. Methods. Bro Maarten Bouw is dead!’ I asked him, ‘how did you get the news?’

 ‘I read it from the Brothers FIC, Ghana platform. It was posted by Bro.Wim early this morning,’ was his reply. I just could not believe it, but I had to.

From that moment onward my mind was predominated by thoughts and questions about the person of Bro. Maarten Bouw. Questions like, ‘Who was Bro. Maarten as a person? How did he touch my life? To answer these and similar questions my mind brought me back down memory lane to forty (40) plus years ago, that is 1979 and early 1980s, to be precise. That was the critical period of my search for a vocation in life. After having been initially introduced to the FIC Congregation by Brother Nicholas Zumanaa of blessed memory, Bro. Maarten came into the show and took it upon himself and made several follow up journeys to visit me at my home and workplace in Fielmon. On hindsight I can say that had it not been for Bro. Maarten and a few others, I wouldn’t have been who I am today – an FIC Brother.

My first encounter with Bro. Maarten was in April 1980. He was then Regional Superior of the Brothers FIC in Ghana. Being the leader of the Brothers in Ghana he took particular interest in following up on candidates to the Congregation. This explains why he was personally involved in trying to persuade my father to allow me to join the Congregation. At the Contact Days of April 1980, I told the Brothers that my father was seriously against my plans to join the Congregation. Bro. Maarten took it upon himself to drive a delegation all the way from Wa to Chebogo, my holy village, to meet with my parents about my vocation. The journey took about seven hours because of the bad nature of the road. The delegation comprised of Bros. Alexis Bele-ire, late Nicholas Zumanaa and Maarten himself. That journey and visit to my family was a turning point to getting my father soften his heart to let me go. After that visit Bro. Maarten took it upon himself again to follow up with several others visits to be sure that my father or even myself would not change our mind. I have belabored this point because it had a deep impact not only on my parents but on me as well so much so that years after I became an FIC brother I continue to cherish Bro. Maarten for who he has been in my life right from those early days.

Dear Bro. Maarten you came to Ghana as a pioneer FIC Brother to begin the Congregation in the Diocese of Wa, together with Bro. Oventius van Dooren. You and the then Bishop of Wa , the late Peter Cardinal Porekuu Dery, humorously contested for the title of founding-father of FIC in Ghana. I am not aware how you settled the issue. In any case you ended up either being the founding-father or founding-mother of the Congregation in Ghana, either of which is no mean title. You spent almost four decades of your life in Ghana. It stands to reason that Ghana became your home more than your native homeland. You endeared yourself to people so much so that it became difficult for you to let go and return home when circumstances demanded it. But it appears you left a piece of your heart in Ghana or shall we say a piece of your heart remained in Ghana. No wonder that you took the slightest opportunity to return to Ghana on visit to reconnect with that part of you that was still there.

Dear Maarten, there is no gainsaying that you did a lot to building up FIC in Ghana. But for your determination and resilience FIC Ghana would not be what it is today. As we say farewell to you we pray the Lord to pardon your human limitations and weaknesses and reward you for all the good you did in life. And for your part I believe you will like to admonish us (the Brothers FIC Ghana) using the words of St. Paul to the Corinthians where he said,  ‘…..I laid the foundation….Let each one take care how he builds upon it’.(1Cor. 3:10).

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