GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
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22.10.2015 16:36:54 10756x read.
The program of activities around the celebration of the 175 jubilee of the FIC Congregation in the Netherlands province.

Date to be determined - Prince Bisschopsingel 22.

Opening Exhibition F IC 175. 
15:00 hrs:   25 attendees come together in the government house. There are a few speeches; opening of the exhibition.. Then coffee with vlaai.  By invitation.
Sunday, november 1 FIC cemetery Anjoulaan
Tribute to Founders and deceased confreres 15:00 meeting on cemetery for a ceremony that lasts 45 minutes. Songs are sung there, reading from the Constitutions, prayers.
A special booklet will be composed . At the graves of Mgr. Rutten and Br. Bernardus  flowers will be laid . On each tomb a rose willbe  deposited by attendees .Everyone is welcome: Beyartbewoners, brothers, KGM members. Residents around the Anjoulaan also receive a written invitation.  Afterwards, everyone goes home.
Sunday 8th november The Beyart.
Maria Concert in the Beyartkapel The concert starts at 15:30 and lasts about one hour. Two counter-tenors and a concert pianist give a concert consisting of Marial Hymns (from throughout the ages).Making music is interrupted by showing slides with Mary images (paintings and sculpture) throughout history. An art historian gives explanations and food for thought. The attendees receive a program booklet with explanations, Everyone is invited to attend. Afterwards everyone goes home.
Prior to the concert at 15.15 the new congregation flag will be hoisted by the General Superior and the Provincial Superior.
Thursday 12 november- aisle Basilica of St. Servatius.

Meeting  at the commemoration plaque + golden jubilee KGM
Previously, a group of 25 KGM members meet at the PrinsBisschopsingel. They have their own program for the day, from 12:00 to 15:00 hours.
15:30 hrs: brothres,  KGM-members and other interested come together in the aisle (left front)  at  the commemorative plaque. The meeting lasts one hour.Two speeches will be given, there are songs, prayers, organ playing and there are moments of silence. At the plaque flowers will be placed . The attendees received a booklet with lyrics and songs. Everyone is welcome. Afterwards, everyone goes home.
Thursday 19th november The Beyart.
Meeting exclusively for the 85 invitees There is a reception from 13:30 for civil and church authorities involved with  FIC,   executives of the Beyart and a group of brothers /associates / KGM.
In the chapel (rear panel closed) from 14.00 a string ensemble of the Philharmonie Southern Netherlands will perform; there will be a speech by the Superior General, three people tell how "Het verhaal verder gaat ..." and there is singing. Around 16.00 o'clock the guests go to the Beyartrestaurant, where they received a drink, followed by a buffet. Final meeting 18.30 pm.
For this meeting people have received a personal invitation from the provincial and general administration. When going home, they receive an original memento of our anniversary: a FIC produced in-house color printed calendar which runs from November 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016.
Saturday, november 21 The Beyart.
Internal celebration of the 175th anniversary FIC. The day starts with a solemn Eucharistic celebration in the large chapel from 10:00. Mgr. Hanneman, dean of Maastricht, will be the main celebrant. Br. Kees Gordijn will give the homily. During the Celebration we renew our vows. Afterwards there is for Beyart residents opportunity to use coffee in the Aula.
Brothers (brothers of the Beyart brothers from elsewhere and possible guests) use coffee and a snack in Kras.  At 12.45 pm will start the joint dinner for all in the restaurant. After dinner, the official festivities are really quite over.
Welcome are all Beyartresidents, brothers from other houses in Maastricht and the Netherlands, some KGM-mers, associated members. Due to lack of space, we keep very limited number of guests. veryone receives FIC calendar: all brothers, all residents of the Beyart, employees of the Beyart. (Circulation 450 copies).
Further information about anything and everything:Br. Wim Swuste 043 36 70 801 [email protected]

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