28.10.2020 02:37:12 8796x read. NETHERLANDS The passing away of our associated member Mr. Jos van Eijden. Dear Brothers, It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of our associated member Mr. Jos van Eijden on October 23, 2020. The text of the mourning card reads as follows: They exist: angels of people. People in whom you sometimes, always suddenly and usually for a short time, see that it can, change your life, overcome your fear, curb your distrust. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Far too late I have loved you, beauty you are old, you are new.
It makes us silent and sad to say goodbye so suddenly to my dear husband and father
Jos van Eijden - Johannes Jacobus Petrus -
*Bussum, December 19, 1944 † The Hague, October 23, 2020.
Bep van Eijden-van Leersum Sabrina and other family members
Correspondence: Groen van Prinstererlaan 326 2555 HZ Den Haag The gathering preceding the cremation will take place privately on Saturday, October 31 at 12.00 am. |