27.09.2019 18:20:45 10669x read. NETHERLANDS The passing away of Bro. Lex Weiler on September 26, 2019. Dear Brothers,
It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Bro. Lex Weiler on September 26, 2019. The text of the mourning card reads as follows:
" Congregation of the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
'His name will give us peace. I'll be there” H. Oosterhuis
With pain in our hearts, we inform you that we have to say goodbye forever to
Brother Lex Weiler FIC Alexander Franciscus
He was born on 27 September 1930 in Amsterdam. On August 15, 1951, he made his first vows in our Congregation. He passed away on 26 September 2019, the day before his 89th birthday, in the Residential Care Centre De Beyart in Maastricht.
The life of Bro. Lex was dominated by servitude. He wanted to be close to people. He received this attitude at home. That characterized him from the very beginning, in the years that he worked as a teacher and head of school in Maastricht and Schiedam. This characterized him also in his years in The Hague: as a member of the pastoral team of the Agnes-parish, as the founder of the Copernicus Service Centre, as the leading pastoral worker of the Benedict parish in Rijswijk. And certainly also as the conductor of his choirs.
Also after his retirement he continued to inspire people and make them enthusiastic. He was a pillar for his fellow brothers in the community of the Stadsklooster in The Hague, for family and friends, for refugees and asylum seekers, for all those whom he met. As a result of a cerebral infarction, his strength gradually decreased. It was difficult for him to leave The Hague, where he felt at home. But even in the residential care centre, he remained focussed until the end on the people around him, despite the care he needed himself. We say goodbye to a committed and loving person and are grateful that we were privileged to have him in our midst.
The farewell of Brother Lex takes place in the Eucharistic celebration which is held on Thursday, October 3 at 14.30 in the chapel of De Beyart. Subsequently the burial takes place at our cemetery at the Anjoulaan in Maastricht.
On behalf of the FIC Congregation and the Bernardus-community: Bro. Wim Luiten, coordinator Religious House Netherlands FIC Brusselsestraat 38, 6211 PG Maastricht.
On behalf of the Weiler family: Mr. Ed Weiler, Borstelgrasstraat 23, 1313 BC Almere. "
So far the mourning card. For a photograph of Bro. Lex we refer you to the attachment. May he rest in perfect peace. |