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08.06.2021 01:25:06 7483x read.
Desease Brother Toon Verkoijen FIC.

Dear Brothers,

It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Brother Toon Verkoijen on June 5, 2021.

The text of the mourning card reads as follows:


Congregation of the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception of Mary


'Constant viewing 

what lives deep within yourself 

and in the other'  

        (Haiku Zr. Augusta  van de Wiel) 

With great sadness, but also with great gratitude for his blessed presence in our midst, we announce to you the passing away of our faithful family member and mild fellow brother 

Brother Toon Verkoijen  FIC 

Anthony Karel Pieter  

* Venlo, 19 January 1926 

Profession in the FIC 15 August 1948 

† Maastricht, 5 June 2021  

Toon was a paragon of simplicity and commitment. He was a silent force for his family and fellow brothers. Even before his copper profession, he was already appointed superior. For many years he held board positions in our congregation at local, national and international level. From 1990 he was the inspiration of the Icons Atelier Sint Servatius in De Beyart, where he had many share in his great spiritual wealth. 

He was a great support to his family. His fellow brothers and 'icon writers' lose in him a noble man. A man who leaves his spiritual traces. 

We say goodbye to him, in private, during the celebration in the chapel of De Beyart on Thursday 10 June 2021 at 14.30 pm. Then we put him to rest at our cemetery near the Anjoulaan in Maastricht. 

On behalf of the family:

P. Debertrant-Verkoijen 


On behalf of the FIC Congregation and the Bernardus community:

Bro. Wim Luiten, Superior, Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht    "


So far the mourning card.

For a photograph of Bro. Toon we refer to the attachment.

May he rest in the peace of the Lord.

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