GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Friday, March 14 2025  - 1 User Online  

11.08.2020 18:39:46 8747x read.
Desease Brother Han van Wieringen.

Dear Brothers,

It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Bro. Han van Wieringen on August 10, 2020.

The text of the mourning card reads as follows:

"     Congregation of the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception of Mary

   “My last greeting is to them

          who knew me in my imperfection

          and loved me. ”

                                                       R. Tagore

In deep gratitude for his life among us, we have to inform you with pain in our hearts that we must say goodbye for good to


Johannes Maria

Han saw the light of day on December 2, 1940 in Haarlem. On August 15, 1961, he made his vows in our Congregation and took the name Venantio. He died in the residential care center De Beyart on Monday, August 10, 2020.

Han was the incarnate expression of "a rough shell, but a white kernel". He did not like to talk a lot and long deliberations. But when it came down to it, he was fully committed and ready for everyone.

Initially he was a gardener, but soon after his profession he announced that he would like to be involved in nursing. He trained as a nurse in Nijmegen and Haarlem.
Until 1992 he worked at the Johannes de Deo in Haarlem. After this he became a devoted nurse in our own infirmary in De Beyart.

After his retirement in 2002 he took up his old profession as a gardener again, assisted by his good help sister Ann-Thérèse Dao. In the last years of his life his body and mind  increasingly became weaker. He managed to bear this with great patience.

Han was a good support to his family. For his fellow brothers he was someone with golden hands and a very big heart. With him a precious and kind fellow being leaves us.

We say goodbye to Bro. Han in a private circle on Friday afternoon August 14, starting at 14.30 in chapel of De Beyart, followed by the burial at the cemetery of the Brothers FIC.


On behalf of the Congregation FIC and the Bernardus-community:

Bro. Wim Luiten, Superior, Brusselsestraat 38, 6211 PG  Maastricht.

On behalf of the family:

Mr. T. van Wieringen, Junoplantsoen 111, 2024 RP  Haarlem.    "

So far the mourning card.

For a photograph of Bro. Han we refer you to the attachment.
May he rest in perfect peace.


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