GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
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13.08.2020 17:57:29 8228x read.
Desease Brother Gregoire de Wit.

Dear Brothers,
It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Bro. Grégoire de Wit on August 12, 2020.
The text of the mourning card reads as follows:
" Congregation of the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
' We know this one thing
and this one we hold on in dark hours:
there is a Word that will last forever
and whoever understands it, is no longer alone. '
(Henriëtte Roland Holst)
With great sadness in our hearts we want to inform you about the passing away from us in peace of
Gerardus Albertus
He was born on April 29, 1922 in Rotterdam.
On August 15, 1941 he made his profession in the Congregation of the Brothers FIC.
In 1985 he was awarded as 'Knight in the Order of Oranje-Nassau'.
He passed away in the residential care centre De Beyart in Maastricht on August 12, 2020.
Bro. Grégoire was a stirring and precious person, for his family and fellow brothers. But especially also for those to whom he devoted himself: handicapped children in Maastricht, The Hague and Kerkrade. With great dedication to give them a bright future. Worldwide: with his loyal membership of Amnesty International. He served the Congregation as an assistant to the general treasurer and was assistant in parishes.
With his membership of the choir of De Beyart, he bore testimony of the fact that the Lord had a great place in his heart. A noble person in heart and soul.
We say goodbye to him in private in the chapel of De Beyart on Tuesday August 18, at 14.30 pm, after which we will put him to rest at the cemetery of the Brothers FIC near the Anjoulaan in Maastricht.
On behalf of the Congregation FIC and the Bernardus community,
Bro. Wim Luiten, Superior, Brusselsestraat 38, 6211 PG Maastricht "
So far the mourning card.
For a photograph of Bro. Grégoire you are referred to the attachment.
May he rest in eternal peace.

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