08.02.2022 02:24:19 6229x read. NETHERLANDS Desease Brother dear late Bro. Henk van Lieshout. Dear Brothers, It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Bro. Henk van Lieshout, who died on February 6, 2022. The text of the mourning card reads as follows: " Congregation of the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception of Mary The meek will inherit the Land, and enjoy peace and prosperity. Psalm 37. It is with great sadness in our hearts that we have to inform you of the sudden passing away of our dear family member and good fellow brother
Brother Henk van Lieshout FIC Henri Antonius Huberta Henk was born on 17 December 1933 in Helmond. On August 15, 1955, he took his vows in our Congregation. Unexpectedly, he said goodbye to us on February 6, 2022 in the Residential Care Centre De Beyart in Maastricht. Henk's passing was characteristic for his way of life: in silence. He did not like to show illness and physical discomfort. Perhaps this way of passing away had always been his silent wish. With him a sympathetic and simple person has left us. He could enjoy sociability and attention, but was also happy to enjoy a good book or a good TV broadcast alone in his room. Henk was a man with many qualities, which he used for many without much fuss: excellent teacher in the Dutch language and literature, dedicated and helpful fellow brother, thoughtful board member of De Beyart, professional administrator of the repro department and loyal help with our celebrations in the Beyart Chapel. We are going to miss this noble man very much. We say goodbye to Henk, in private circle, during the celebration on Thursday 10 February at 14.30 pm in the chapel of De Beyart. Then we lay him to rest at the cemetery of the Brothers FIC near the Anjoulaan in Maastricht.