23.07.2017 04:14:11 11587x read. NETHERLANDS Desease Bro. Harry Lausberg. Dear Brothers,
It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Bro. Harry Lausberg on 21 July 2017. The text of the mourning card reads as follows: " Congregation of the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception of Mary Lord, thank You for creating me. And for life, which You have given to me. I thank You that I am a Christian, I thank You for everything You have given to me, for everything that You have taken away from me.” (From: My last prayer in my earthly life) Grateful for his life among us, we have to announce with sadness the passing away of our dear family member and friend and our faithful fellow brother Brother Harry Lausberg Henri Hubert
He was born on May 10, 1930 in The Hague. On August 15, 1951 he committed himself to the FIC Congregation as Bro. Jeremias. After having received the last sacraments, he passed away in residential care centre Aquaviva in Nijmegen on July 21, 2017.
Harry called himself a typical do-person, a man of concrete service. He considered educating youth and accompanying youngsters on their way to maturity as a very concrete task, to which he committed himself daily. He also had an eye for colleagues, whom he really supported when necessary.
Also leadership took an important place in his life. He was Superior in Haarlem and Nijmegen and for 18 years a member of the Provincial Council. Harry did not like wide-ranging discussions; he worked more according to plans. In all this he showed great involvement when people, within and outside the Congregation, were having difficulties. He was a human councillor.
In turn Harry also received a lot from others, especially in difficult moments when he was doubting his vocation. The Work of Mary, Focolare, ‘saved’ him and made him flourish as a religious brother. A good and faithful girl friend has enriched his life and she supported him in his diseases and inconveniences.
The balance made by Harry himself is: ‘I have always felt happy’. We have to say goodbye to a grateful person.
On behalf of the FIC Congregation: Bro. Wim Luiten, Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht
On behalf of family and friends: Aggie Nabben, J. Tak, neven en nichten
Prior to the funeral service, from 9.00 am you can personally say goodbye to Harry in the chapel of Aquaviva, Heyendaalseweg 290, Nijmegen.
The funeral service will be held on Wednesday July 26, 2017 at 11.00 am in the Sacrament-Church, Heyendaalseweg 300, 6525 SM Nijmegen. After the service the funeral ceremony will take place at the cemetery Jonkerbos, Winkelsteegseweg 78-80, Nijmegen. Afterwards we look forward to meet you in the aula of Aquaviva. "
So far the mourning card. For a photograph of Bro. Harry we refer you to the attachment. May he rest in the peace of the Lord. |