11.03.2016 17:49:32 11815x read. NETHERLANDS Decease Bro. Henk van Mierlo. Dear Brothers,
It is our sad duty to inform you about the passing away of Bro. Henk van Mierlo on 9 March 2016.
The text of the mourning card reads as follows:
"Congregation of the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
'The Lord has seen me
and unexpectedly I am born again and raised.
He has kindled my light in the night,
gave me a living heart and new eyes.' (H. Oosterhuis)
After a life of service to fellow people and his Lord we have to say goodbye to our loyal family member and fellow brother
Brother Henk van Mierlo
Hendrikus Henricus
He was born in Helmond on September 12, 1929. On August 15, 1952 he committed himself to the FIC Congregation as brother Valericus. After having received the Anointing of the Sick he passed away on March 9, 2016 in the residential care centre De Beyart in Maastricht.
His career as a teacher and head of school lasted from 1952 to 1980. He was a skilled teacher, who was characterized by others as "strict but fair". As a result of heart failure, he was prematurely forced to withdraw from his teaching job.
Brother Henk was a warm and engaging man. Because of his poor health, he has known many setbacks. Thanks to his faith and fighting spirit, he always took up his life again with renewed vigor. Sober and critical, but also sensitive when he was hit by joy or sorrow. He stated that he himself, as well as in preparation for one of his many surgeries he had undergone, could surrender completely to what is still to come.
"He always comes with quiet force majeure and thus takes for granted my inability".
We say goodbye to brother Henk in the Eucharistic celebration on Tuesday March 15 in the chapel of De Beyart, Brusselsestraat 38, Maastricht. The celebration will start at 14:30. After that, the burial ceremony will take place at our monastery cemetery near the Anjoulaan in Maastricht.
The evening vigil will take place on March 14, starting at 17:30 in the chapel of De Beyart.
On behalf of the FIC Congregation and Communiteit "Ludovicus":
Brother Kees Gordijn, Provincial Superior
Brusselsestraat 38, 6211 PG Maastricht
On behalf of the family:
Fam. L. van Mierlo
Galileastraat 48, 6418 GP Heerlen "
So far the mourning card.
For a photograph of Bro. Henk we refer you to the attachment.
May Bro. Henk now rest in peace and intercede for all of us.
General Council FIC (Mr. Willy Bastiaens, executive secretary)
Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands
phone: +31 (0)43 3508373 / email: <[email protected]>
website: <http://www.brothers-fic.org> |