16.08.2021 15:27:42 7788x read. NETHERLANDS A WORD FROM THE GENERAL SUPERIOR (15th August 2021) Wa, 15th August 2021
Dear fellow Brothers,
I send all of you my fraternal greetings from Ghana. I also wish to extend very HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS to all our gallant jubilarians. I would have wish to be physically present and celebrate this very important day and the occasion of the jubilees with you, but duty has called me to Ghana since the 15th of July this year. Brothers, today mother Church celebrates the great feast of Our Lady’s Assumption into heaven. We rejoice with our mother who has reached her final destination. On earth she went the way of Jesus; she lived the beatitudes wholeheartedly; and now she shares in Jesus’ glory in heaven. The feast of the Assumption is for us a sign of hope for “who” and “what” we are in Christ Jesus. This feast also reminds us that we too are called to share in Jesus’ victory, if we are willing to uphold our faith in God and service of the poor and the lowly in the kingdom of God. Let us celebrate and rejoice with Our Mother!
Dear Brothers, with a deep feeling of joy and gratitude I wish to once again congratulate all our fellow brothers who celebrate various anniversaries of their religious profession. No doubt, and especially in this Covid-19 endemic season, it is certainly a great joy to live to celebrate this gift of God: a divine call to follow more intimately in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, whose feast we celebrate today and all the saints in heaven, especially the beloved Founders of our Congre-gation, responded to this call with ardent commitment and dedication to God’s will. They have left legacies to guide our way of life. God, who called us to this life, graciously blesses and endows us with His spirit and grace to respond to His call. The way of life Christ chose, we make our own (Constitutions, art. 117).
We thank God for the gift of our vocation. We acknowledge with deep gratitude the unique contributions of our brother jubilarians to the growth of our brotherhood. My prayer and wish for our jubilarians (and of course all of us) in the coming years is that you remain grateful for the faithfulness of God to us; grateful for the many blessings and goodness we experience from God and our fellow brothers; we continue to trust in the unconditional love and mercy of God; that we endeavour to remain grateful for our call to the brotherhood, and that we remain people full of joy and hope.
I humbly implore the intercession of Mother Mary for all of us. Be assured of my fraternal love and prayers. I wish you a joyous celebration.
Bro. Augustine Kubdaar, General Superior FIC |