21.10.2024 01:46:40 1327x read. MALAWI THIRD DAY OF THE THIRD PHASE OF THE PROVINCIAL CHAPTER 2024 (Bro. Dan Moses Kannada, FIC) THIRD DAY OF THE THIRD PHASE OF THE PROVINCIAL CHAPTER 2024(ALSO THE LAST DAY OF THE WHOLE PROVINCIAL CHAPTER-MALAWI) Br. Dan Moses Kanyada, FIC The day began with a prayer service with the theme “Unity in diversity” and it was prepared by Bethel Community. The readings were taken from the FIC constitutions article 43 and rules of conduct for superiors of the Brothers of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. As the beginning of the day`s meeting, the provincial superior gave out the message from the General Council in response to the guidance which the chapter was seeking for the clarification on the inclusion of the temporal professed brothers into the Provincial Council. The house was directed to follow the collective decision of the delegates. Thereafter, the chapter proceeded with the business of the day. Delegates after closing the provincial chapter 2024 at Venraay cottage, Mangochi. The first business was the voting of the proposals. There were 15 proposals of different categories. With the help of the Holy spirit the delegates passed eleven (11) proposals while the remaining four (4) did not pass. Followed was the process toward the election of the Provincial Council proceeded by voting process. Before the delegates sent into 3 groups of 4 members each, the facilitator Fr. Charles Jester Banda, OCD gave a very good reflection from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans, chapter 13 verses 1 to 8. Each group proposed the Provincial Council which later shared among the groups ready for voting process. In seeking for the illumination by the Holy Spirit, the delegates went for the meditation and reflection of about 30 minutes. Later on, the delegates went on with the voting process. After thorough reflection and guidance from the Holy Spirit, the delegates successfully elected new Council as follows; Br. Lawrence Sitima (Provincial Superior) Br. Lawrence Nkonde (Vice superior) -who is currently pursuing studies in Ghana. Br. Mike Mbato (Councilor) Br. Trustful Mwachande (Councilor). We congratulate them and wish them success as they serve in the vineyard of the Lord. The elected Provincial Council of Malawi 2024-2030. From left, bros. Trustful Mwachande, Lawrence Sitima and Mike Mbato. As part of concluding the provincial chapter 2024, firstly, the chapter message committee gave their summary for the whole chapter. The central ideas were the initial and ongoing formation, stewardship and responding to the signs of the times and other key issues in response to the theme, Transformation and growth of the Malawi Province in the Spirit of our founders. Secondly, the financial verification committee endorsed the provincial council`s financial report together with the Provincial bursars and thanked them for the commendable job. In his speech before declaring the closure of the provincial chapter 2024, the Provincial Superior communicated the message from the General Council congratulating the elected Council. The PS thanked every delegate member for the presence and unity during the session. He has asked the team spirit from the fellow elected Council members. He has also asked for the transparency and accountability when dealing with the issues concerning one another for the transformation and growth of the Malawi province. At exactly 6:00 pm the Provincial superior declared the provincial chapter 2024 closed. |