25.09.2017 00:39:50 9659x read. MALAWI The Condition of Bro. Andrew Makocho. (taken from the PC Malawi Newsletter, July-September 2017. The condition of Bro. Andrew Makocho. On 27 June 2017, Bro. Andrew underwent prostrate operation at Mwaiwathu hospital. After operation he has to go regularly to see the progress of recovery. However, later the doctor found out that he has cells of cancer prostrate that are spreading fast. Unfortunately this private hospital (the best in Malawi) is not able to deal with it. Senior surgeon, Dr. Kumikonjera (Urologist) advised Bro. Andrew Makocho for further treatment in India. He already contacted Doctors at Manipal Hospital in Bangalore, India. Sunday July 30, 2017 we got information from Dr. Vadhiraja B.M that he will be the doctor to do the work for Bro. Makocho. He should undergo 33 sessions of dosage over seven weeks. (Note: in reality they changed to 37 sessions that last for eight weeks. The last session to see the doctor is on 4 October, the day of departure to Malawi as stated in the ticket. As such he has to adapt his departure. See the letter from Bro. Andrew below). He informed us about the costs of the treatment, how to pay, how to find accommodation, how to obtain special visa from India High Commissioner in Lilongwe, etc. Monday July 31, 2017 we met Dr. Kumikonjera for confirmation and further information. Information from the Doctor: *He has cancer of the prostrate, *he presented a bit late, * the disease spreads outside the prostrate, * Malawi does surgical operation but it was not enough, * he goes to India for “advanced treatment”, * we need a radio-therapy of X-ray in India, *after coming back from India, he needs homono- treatment which can be done in Malawi. After meeting the doctor we had five full days to prepare everything for the trip that includes: pursuing tickets, financial preparation obligation, communicating to India on payment arrangement both, hospital and accommodation, arranging visa application to India High Commissioner in Lilongwe, On Sunday 6 August 2017 all ready to take off, only to be told at the airport that one letter is needed, that is the confirmation from the doctor which states that although the traveler is a sick man, he is fit for travelling. They went home and completed the requirement. On Wednesday 9 August they left for India. We are grateful to Bro. Ivo Heatubun for his quick response for the arrangement of everything, especially in term of financial obligation and transport arrangement. Thank to Bro. Mark Adamah who accept our request to accompany Bro. Andrew Makocho. In India: The letter from Bangalore says that Bro. Mark also got malaria and he is treated well. On September 7, 2017 Bro. Andrew Makocho writes: Greetings from Bangalore city with pouring rains that practically have taken up every evenings. The afternoons are very warm. I have completed half my radiation doses which have been increased from the slated 33 to 37. I get a fifteen minute dose everyday from Monday to Friday and rest for the weekend. I lie peacefully under these huge machines that roll around me and get body adjustment as they aim the malignant cells. Looking at all this, it is only possible to admire this fantastic piece of technology. However, I shall need to discuss with my doctor about the 37th dose as it falls on 4th. October, 2017, the day we booked a return. Apparently, on the same day, the Urologist, a Dr. Amarti, shall image my urinary tract and make recommendations for a further stay or a chemotherapy engagement at home. The side effcts of the radiotherapy process can be painful but manageable. I was told of these cosequencies before I departed Malawi but unfortunately one cannot plan how to overcome pain. Bro. Mark was not feeling well but he is receiving good treatment from the many specialist doctors at Manipal hospital. I think it is good that he came. It is good for me as he gives a lot of support when pain is critical and also for himself that he gets treated. We are still looking for ufa to make some nsima. The food here is spicy. Eating on the street is common but with so much spitting around, one can not be sure of cleanliness and this is why we patronize restaurants and sometimes cook at home. We talk of crowds here as this country has the second largest population after China. Traffic on the streets is crazy in this Hindu dominant state of Karnataka. This country is large and diverse. No wonder it is called a sub-continent. Regards, Andrew Makocho Today, Wednesday 13 September 2017, before I close this newsletter I got the latest development from Bro. Makocho. He writes: Bladder Neck operation I had not been feeling well for the past three days, painful urinating and uncontrolled toiletting. I thought these were the side effects of the radiotherapy. When I discussed with Dr. Vadhiraja my doctor, he ordered an investigation. According to him, such experiences should not occur whist one is on medication. He sent me to a Dr. Amarti the urologist whe subjected me to a series of tests. Bad news came from the urologist that the problem is at the neck of the bladder. Such a case needs an Operation. Four I therefore shall be admitted to Manipal Hospipal tomorrow afternoon where I shall be prepared with a special diet for a laser operation on Thursday morning. I invited Br. Mark to witness the breaking of the bad news. Since this is an extra cost, Dr. Vadhiraja will give a breakdown of what has been happening to me so far. I am back to my room and have started packing my bag for the hospital for 3 days. Since this is an extra cost, Dr. Vadhiraja shall explain why I had to visit a Urologist when I had come for Radiotherapy. He was the one who ordered such visits. I shall have an extra cost of 4,000 US dollars. It is a lot of money but if I do not do it he says, I shall experience greater problems. Bro. No has his contacts you may write him to hear more about the situation. This will give you a clear picture of what is happening. My regards, Bro. Andrew Makocho |