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18.11.2021 15:58:08 6231x read.


(By Bro. Gasper Kalisto)

It has been a remarkable day to have witnessed the renewal of religious vows of our four brothers: Bros. Mike Mbato, Moses Mgunda, Chancy Mfune and Daniel Kanyada. They renewed their vows of commitment to religious life as Brothers FIC in the presence of fellow brothers in Malawi Province. The occasion, held on 17th November 2021 in the chapel of Bethel community – Provincial house, was guided by a prayer service with the theme “Investing the gifts of faith”. Our four brothers have been on a journey of investing the fruits of their faith. A journey which started with a simple “Yes” to follow the footsteps of Christ in bringing salvation to the world. It is encouraging to hear them profess with deep zeal that they still wish to serve in the vineyard of the Lord, despite the challenges they face in life.


The reading from the second book of Maccabees and the gospel according to Luke (19:11-28) gave us a reflective mood during the prayer service to rethink the purpose of commitment to our religious vows. Just as the mother who saw her seven sons perish in a single day because they refused to violate God’s law[1], our commitment should guide us to have hope in the Lord always when we meet trials and temptations. Our religious vows should strengthen us to overcome the challenges we meet in life; and embrace the gift of faith that he who called us on this journey will never leave us alone. Through this gift of commitment we pledge as brothers, we shall be rewarded when it bears fruits. As Jesus puts it; he who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away[2]. We should take a pause and reflect on ourselves if our commitment is really materializing and bearing fruits. As our constitution states: “on the day of our profession, by taking our vows, we give impression to our desire to make ourselves free for God, to consecrate ourselves to him…[3]. Our vows should make us free.


In his speech during the prayer service, the Provincial Superior, Bro. Lawrence Sitima encouraged the brothers in the province to pray for the four brothers who have just renewed their religious vows and continue giving them support. He also urged the four brothers to make an effort in fulfilling the commitment they have pledged. It is an individual choice to fully embrace the evangelical counsels in our life. We wish Bros. Mike Mbato, Moses Mgunda, Chancy Mfune and Daniel Kanyada all the success as they continue working in the vineyard of our Lord, Jesus Christ.


The Provincial Superior (in the middle) with the four brothers who have renewed their vows. From left: Bros. Daniel Kanyada, Moses Mgunda, Lawrence Sitima, Mike Mbato and Chancy Mfune.


A group photo of the brothers after the prayer service.

[1] 2 Maccabees 7:1.20-31

[2] Luke 19:11-28

[3] FIC Constitutions Art. 31

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