03.08.2023 11:41:57 2910x read. MALAWI OPENING AND COMMISIONING CEREMONY OF THREE BROTHERS TO SPIRITUAL JOURNEY IN NERTHELANDS OPENING AND COMMISIONING CEREMONY OF THREE BROTHERS TO SPIRITUAL JOURNEY IN NERTHELANDS During the prayer service, the animator invited all the brothers to reflect together on article 1 of our FIC Constitutions: “To be human”; and a reading from the gospel of Luke 1:26- 38. We, indeed, live in this world as human beings together with others and it is our wish to make the best out of it. This means that the spiritual journey of these our brothers, who are to travel to the Netherlands, is truly a journey of the whole province because it’s not only to their benefit but rest of the brothers. The province has commissioned them as Angel Gabriel (who delivered good news to Mary of her immaculate conception) to go forth and deepen their spiritual life, to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit that continues to speak in their continuous formation. Whatever comes in their discernment should be shared with all the communities to help in deepening our spiritual lives too. The Provincial Superior, Bro. Lawrence Sitima, presented burning candles to the participants as a symbol of commissioning them to be the light of fellow brothers, and to let the Holy Spirit enlighten them in their discernment to bare good fruits after the pilgrimage. DOWNLOAD FILE
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