24.07.2024 16:57:26 1399x read. MALAWI MARY, OUR PATRONESS AND EXAMPLE OF MY WAY OF LIFE (Bro. Daniel Moses kanyada) MARY, OUR PATRONESS AND EXAMPLE OF MY WAY OF LIFE (Bro. Daniel Moses kanyada) Since childhood, I have been attending several devotions of Mary but blindly. Once, I dedicated time to ponder the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and this experience greatly enriched me both spiritually and morally. When I reflect on the life of Mother Mary, I realize that I miss a lot. I realize that my everyday life can change others in their way of living if I embrace the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a model of my life. Mary exemplifies the Christian way of life that all believers are called to follow. She is a model of virtue, faith and obedience. As the mother of Jesus, Mary is a symbol of motherhood and caregiving. She is also a symbol of faith, as she believed in God's plan even when it was difficult and impossible in human thinking. Her obedience to God's will is also an important lesson for Christians. Mary's willingness to follow God's plan, even when it was difficult, is a lesson in perseverance and trust. As a model, Mary teaches me many things. One important lesson is that of humility. Even though God chose her to be the mother of Jesus, she did not consider herself above others. She was a servant of God and devoted her life to serving Him. Mary was also patient. She waited patiently for God's plan to unfold, even when it was difficult. This teaches us that sometimes we need to wait for God's timing, and trust that He has a plan for our lives. Mary's life also teaches me the importance of prayer and forgiveness. She forgave those who hurt her, such as when Joseph thought of divorcing her. This teaches me the importance of forgiving those who have hurt us, even when it is hard. Prayer purifies the soul; through this purification, the entire person can be perfected. In the end, a person can differentiate good things from bad, and in so doing, brotherhood is manifested in me and the others. When praying, let us always ask Mary to intercede for us, and indeed, she is ready, for she knows her son better than us (John 2:1-12) The life of Mary also teaches us charity and humility. She cared for the poor and the marginalized, and we can learn from her example to reach out to those in need. Despite her condition, she travelled the distance to visit her cousin Elizabeth. She could have stayed and wait for others to serve her; after all, she was carrying God’s Son in her womb. The visitation of Mary brought happiness to the house of Zechariah (Luke 1:39-45). Finally, Mary teaches us the importance of obedience and hope for God's will. She was willing to do whatever God asked of her, no matter how difficult. She believed that God would provide for her, even when she did not know the future. She accepted the will of God, disregarding what people may think of her (Luke 1:38). This teaches us to have hope, even amid uncertainties. I am motivated by the life of our Mother Mary; It warms my heart to realize that it doesn't need a person to be holy, to be virtuous, or to be morally upright, to merit her love. Her love for us is unconditional. Mary proved to me that my way of life can be a mirror to others. As brothers FIC, we hold Mary in high esteem as our patroness, willingly placing our lives under her special protection (FIC Art. 12). Sharing Mary's life with others through our preaching is our responsibility. Our way of life should reflect hers in all aspects. Through her way of life, she gives us good examples of how to be good and do good. We should preach about Mary and her life wherever we go. As an apostolic congregation, we have to make our apostolate conducive to those we are working with. In conclusion, Mary is a powerful reminder that we are all called to live a life of hope, faith, charity and obedience to God's will. Her life was not easy, but she persevered through all of the difficulties that she faced. Mary's life is a testament to God's ability to work through anyone, no matter the circumstances we find ourselves. May we always seek for her intercessions in all we do. |