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15.11.2021 14:43:45 6240x read.
MALAWI PROVICIAL CONFERENCE 2021. (the last day, by Mike Mbato)


The conference on third day 10th November started with prayer service led by Mary view Brothers. Later there was continuation of the topics for discussion. The topic for discussion was about accountability and transparency which was introduced by the Facilitator (Father James Kasitom) and the Provincial Superior (Brother Lawrence Sitima). The Provincial Superior elaborated what the topic is and what it carries. In his view, accountability goes far from finances to material things. The facilitator said the topic shall be in a form of debate, thereby brothers had to give in the experiences faced on the ground and later to come up with solutions and recommendations.

Through the participation of the brothers, accountability and transparency is one gigantic problem the congregation is facing. Despite all, this problem grows due to lack of proper communication among members. Brothers need to have a heart of communication and through this, transparency and accountability comes easily. All the monies disbursed for use and salaries need to be accounted for. Members were encouraged to be transparent with the properties the congregation has. Congregation property must be taken care of as the means of reducing funds spent on maintenances.

(Some of the Brothers on third day of the Provincial Conference)

After the insights and discussions on the topic, it was recommended that all brothers should write on it and suggest ways or recommendations that may help to rectify the problem. The write-ups shall be submitted to the council which from them shall make decisions and put in place measures to be followed. The facilitator adds that “the accountability and transparency demand also three things such as personal responsibility, personal conscious as well as disciple.

Towards the end of the session the facilitator concluded by giving comments on the points the group members pointed out. He said that each and every member must be transparent and accountable in all aspects of the congregation. He expressed his gratititude to the provincial Council for in cooperating him to this important event.

Lastly the Provincial Superior gave concluding remarks. He discribed the three days of the conference as the best time to deal with some important issues of Malawi province. He said the conference was not meant to solve all the problems Malawi province has, but rather to bring an awareness that every brother is responsible for the growth of the province not only Provincial Council. 

The conference was held at Bethel, the Provincial House of Malawi which ended with Eucharistic celebration celebrated by Rev. Father James Kasitomu. Thereafter lunch and drinks followed. There were altogtether ten brothers as delegates to the conference include council members.

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