03.12.2015 01:59:30 8793x read. MALAWI Malawi, Celebration 175 years Brothers FIC. Malawi, celebration 175 years Brothers FIC.
In October 2014 we booked the event to the pastoral secretary of the Archdiocese of Blantyre. In beginning of the year, the calendar of events distributed to parishes and it was stated that on Saturday 21 November, will be a celebration of 175 years, take place at Mzedi parish. We choose Mzedi parish as it is a historical place for Brothers FIC. Apart from that Mzedi is the smallest parish in the Archdiocese. It is a boast for the parish to perform a big celebration. In this celebration the parish priest and the congregation of Mzedi parish took part actively. Special thank to them.
The celebration: we erected six tents in the form of 0. Four big tents on the right and left, each accommodates 500 people. At the back there was small tent as a sacristy and in front it was big tent for altar, priests, and brothers.
Celebration started at 09.00 and lasted for five hours. It started with procession from sacristy to altar. In front was altar boys, followed by dancing girls, dancing boys, dancing women, priests, brothers, and the celebrants: Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa, accompanied by Bishop elect of Zoma diocese, Vicar and a priest.
Attendance: Friends/families/relatives of Brothers FIC, Collaborators, Headmasters, Head of institutions, parish councils of different parishes around Blantyre, priests, religious brothers and sisters, and the congregation of Mzedi parish.
Uniform: In Malawi, uniform is part and parcel of celebration. As such we ordered uniform from the company, distributed to people involve in celebration. Other people may buy at bookshops of parishes.We presented the photo of our founder, in blue colour to symbolize the colour of Mary. Many people said that the uniform was very beautiful.
During the celebration we also celebrate the important event: final vows of Brothers Trustful Mwachande and Stanslao Finye, as well as celebration silver jubilee, 25 years religious of Brothers Pascal Mtuwana and Mark Adama, 40 years religious life of Bro. Martinus Dariyo. Two days after celebration we heard the re-broadcasted of event through Radio Maria.
The presence of so many priests (about 37 priests, including some priests from Archdiocese of Lilongwe), religious and all people gave a moral support for all of us Brothers FIC. Thank you to all. Special thank to Right Rev. Mgr. Thomas Luke Msusa the main celebrant and the celebrants, Pastoral Secretary of Archdiocese of Blantyre, Rev. Fr. Alfred ChaimaBornface Tamani and parish priest of Mzedi, Rev. Fr. Sulani.
Zikomo kwambiri. |