08.07.2022 01:19:49 4964x read. MALAWI HANDING A COPY OF CONGREGATION STATUTE TO EVERY BROTHER IN MALAWI PROVINCE HANDING A COPY OF CONGREGATION STATUTE TO EVERY BROTHER IN MALAWI PROVINCE As Malawi celebrates its 58th independence day on 6th July 2022, Brothers in Malawi Province gathered at Bethel Community – Provincial House together with Headmasters from St. Patrick’s Secondary School and St. Louis CDSS to celebrate with Bro. Gasper Kalisto on his birthday. During the celebration, the Provincial Superior, Bro. Lawrence Sitima, handed copies of Congregation Statutes to each brother present. He also distributed two (2) copies of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi’s (ECM) Child and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy: Chichewa and English version, to every community of the brothers in the province.
Left: A copy of the Congregation Statute, Right: A copy of ECM’s Child and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy
In his speech during the handing in of the copies, Bro. Sitima urged the brothers to read and make themselves conversant with the Congregation Statute. The congregation statute applies to all members of the congregation and they contain complementary provisions to our constitutions (FIC Congregation Statutes Art. 2 and 3). Hence, it is advisable that every brother has a copy which he can be consulting to. Brothers should also be conversant with the ECM’s policy of Child and Vulnerable Adults safeguarding to put in effect what the Catholic Bishops in Malawi are encouraging us in fighting against Child and vulnerable adults abuses. This is to help us better our relationship with workers, students in our institutions, teachers and even among students themselves, and teachers themselves.
A group photo of the Brothers carrying copies of Congregation Statutes and ECM’s Child and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy.