03.05.2021 14:16:37 6942x read. MALAWI EASTER GATHERING (By Bro. Gasper Kalisto FIC) EASTER GATHERING (By Bro. Gasper Kalisto FIC) “Peace be with you!” Jesus greeted his disciples after his resurrection when he appeared to them in Jerusalem (Jn. 20:19). He did not only gave us peace, he sent us on a mission: ‘As the Father sent me, so I send you…’ (Jn. 20:21). This marked the beginning of missionary work in evangelization of the good news about the resurrection of Christ. Every year we, Brothers FIC, gather together to celebrate this peace of Christ and the mission he entrusted to us after his resurrection. We also celebrate that we have been set free from our sins through His passion and resurrection. The joy of Easter brings us together as one family. It calls us to share with others the love that Christ showed us, by dying on the cross, that we may be purified and exalted in his resurrection. Easter gatherings unite us and strengthens our friendship, and it calls us to live up the gospel in our communities. This year, we gathered at Maryview Community on Easter Sunday (4th April). We were joined with other fellow religious from different congregations within the community.
Bro. Makocho (Far right) and Bro. Chikoti (on the middle) chatting with fellow religious sisters from different congregations.
The brothers attended Easter mass in the various parishes they serve. Thereafter, they gathered for the celebration at 11:00am. The occasion started by sharing a meal and other refreshments. We shared stories and experiences throughout the journey of Lenten season to Easter, as we celebrate now that Jesus has risen from the dead and ‘Halleluiah’ is our song. Brothers and the religious present on the occasion sharing a meal.