GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
Tuesday, October 22 2024  - 1 User Online  

26.04.2022 07:32:08 4728x read.


Brothers of Malawi Province gathered at Bethel community on Easter Sunday to celebrate together the feast of the resurrection of the Lord. Easter is the greatest celebration in the Catholic church because it is the completion of the Holy Week that ends with the resurrection of Jesus. We celebrate the beginning and foundation of Christianity. Jesus conquered sin and death; and in so doing, He gave us hope of salvation.


When we rejoice in Jesus’ Resurrection, we also celebrate Christ’s gift of himself, which transforms us and enables us to become a self-gift to others. We are renewed by the blessings that Easter gives us. It gives us an opportunity to embrace the power of prayer which establishes a closer connection with God. Easter celebration has no meaning if we just come together, share a meal and drink, laugh and off, we go. Our gathering should bring meaning to our fellow beings that we are truly a gift to them and the vice versa. We show them the love that Jesus himself shared amongst his disciples by being a servant to them.


Our gathering was a gift to every one of us. We did not only share a meal together, we also shared stories and experiences of the Lenten season that had just been concluded. We even shared the religious items that had been received from Netherlands where some communities have been closed. This emphasizes the fact that we are called to be a brother to one another and that we are sent out to continue the work of Jesus himself. He went around doing good, he was a witness to the truth, he came to serve and redeem, and brought the liberating message of the Kingdom of God as a message of love (FIC Const. 15).



A group photo of the brothers and friends during the Easter gathering.



Compiled By

Bro. Gasper Kalisto FIC

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