26.04.2017 17:04:23 9001x read. MALAWI Circular Letter 1,2017 (Malawi Province) Brothers of the Immaculate Conception (Brothers FIC- Malawi)
Dear Brothers I send you some information. 1. Replacement of the work of late Bro. Henry Ibrahim. The Provincial Council asked Brio. Mark Adamah to replace him for the IGA and maintenance of our structures especially the school’s structure. The first assignment was finishing the kitchen of the sisters at Maryview. He started working in January. At the same time we consulted some brothers on the replacement of late Bro. Henry as member of Provincial Council. We proposed the name of Bro. Mark Adamah. Our proposal was accepted. On 22 February we received an appointment letter from the General Council dated 21 February 2017. Among other things the General Council wrote: “As General Council we thank you for your non-binding advice. Although the human resources of the FIC Brothers in Malawi are rather limited, we are happy that you have found an experienced and capable brother, who is dedicated and committed to the development of the Malawi Province. In accordance with article 49 of our Congregational Statutes, we therefore wholeheartedly APPROVE YOUR REQUEST TO APPOINT Bro. Mark Adamah as a member of the Provincial Council. Bro. Mark Adamah will remain in office until a new Provincial Council is elected or appointed. We are confident that Bro. Mark will be able to contribute to the welfare of the brothers in Malawi and the development of the Province. We trust and pray that God will grant Bro. Mark Adamah and the Provincial Council as a whole the graces needed to wholeheartedly serve the brothers in Malawi……” The letter was signed by Bro. Guido Sukarman, vicar, on behalf of the General Council. 2. Promotion After working as SNE specialist teacher, Bro. Trustful Mwchande, Grade J is promoted and therefore transferred from Blantyre DEM urban to Blantyre Secondary School as a Specialist teacher and to teach Lifeskills. Bro. Trustful Mwachande was transferred from Maryview Community to Bethel Community as from January 2017. It took nine months to get a letter of transfer from Chiradzulu District to Blantyre District. He moved to Blantyre on September this year, teaching SNE pupils of Primary Schools in Blantyre and at the same time studying as weekend classes student at catholic University.
3. Our schools: 3.1. SNE Mountainview School for the Deaf children. On Christmas Day 2016 we got the message from H/Teacher that three teachers’ houses and roof of kraal of Mountainview School for the deaf were blown up by storm. On March 2017 we finished repairing these damaged houses. Thanks to Bro. Mark Adamah and his team. It was not the first time that some houses were affected by storm. The location of the hill where the houses situated are without protection. As such we urged the school administration to plant trees for protection. Bro. Mark Adamah bought 200 seedlings as a starter pack to plant. March is the end of rainy season. Our aim is that by the beginning of the rainy season (December this year) we would plant thousand of seedlings. The hostels who are more vulnerable to the wind are protected by tall bluegum trees. On 15 March the school organized tree planting day. The headmistress invited village headman, chairman of Bvumbe Research Station and Provincial Superior. Planted: Seedlings of fruit trees, donated by Research and others. Research Station promise to provide other fruit trees seedlings such as mango, guava, avocados etc. 3.2. SNE Mua School for the Deaf children. In January we also got the same massage that heavy rain and flood at Mua affected one of the teachers’ houses. At the same time the vehicle of Mua School also caput. We did the repair but at the same time we urged the administration to take care of the vehicle and be responsible of the maintenance. On Tuesday 28 we went to Mua to assess the condition of hostel four, five, and six which are in bad shape. Mua needs more attention. In 2014 we made a big maintenance for the convent of the Sister. In 2015 we did a big renovation of hostels one, two and three. It took eight months to finalise the work. This year we continue the maintenance of hostel four, five and six. 3.3. SNE Maryview . In February, the first lady Madam Gertrude Mutharika visited the School for the Blind at Maryview. She donated some items to the visually impaired children. They learn at the centre of the blind children at Montfort Demon 3.4. St. Louis CDSS Mzedi: On January 28 the school welcomed three visitors from Lilongwe: two representative of BEAM (Beautify Malawi Trust, founded by the first lady, Madam Gertrude Mutharika) and Mrs. Kasambwe, ex MP for Chuiradzulu Central Constituency. They presented cheque to pay school fees for some needy girls students. Present in the ceremony were: Provincial Superior, P.T.A. chairperson, all chief of villagers around Mzedi, Mother Group Leadership, Party leaders, Staff and students. In his speech, the Headmaster asked the visitors to add some more students. A week later, BEAM added another two students. So far the school has 5 students of BEAM beneficiaries, 4 students of Government beneficiaries, 21 students of CAMFED beneficiaries, 6 students of Brothers FIC beneficiaries, and two students being assisted by Mr. Banda,(personal assistant to M.P.) make a total of 38 beneficiaries. On February 20, CAMFED came and distributed items: one pair of shoes, two pairs of socks, five ball pens and, 10 copy books A4 to twenty one needy students. The School was opened it door in 2012. The first cohort of form four went out in 2015: the group registered 67 % pass rate. Out of this, four girls out of 17 girls, passed. The school was number two (out of 34 CDSS) in the Archdiocese of Blantyre. In 2016, the school registered 87% pass rate and 13 out of 17 girls passed. The school also rose to position one of CDSS of Archdiocese of Blantyre. So far the school accommodates 180 students. Majority are female students. (85 boys and 95 girls). There is also newly opened ODL (Open Day School) which runs from forms one to four. There are currently thirteen teachers (four of them are ladies). Six of them are also studying at Catholic University. There also two support staff (Security Guards) employed by PTA (Parent-Teachers Association) Construction of Water Tank Stand is underway. It is funded by SOS through Habitat for Humanities. The big plastic water plastic tank is donated by Mr. Odi Issa, MP of Chiradzulu Central Constituency. Wall construction and desks at CDSS Bythat time it was agreed that Bro. Emmanuel Mtegha (now: ex Brother) would make 40 desks and 40 stools for form one up to form four. It was discovered recently that one class has no desks and stools. As such we ordered 50 desks and 50 stools from Comboni Technical College. At the same time Skard Construction started building the wall around. The length of the wall in the form of geometrical shape trapezium is four hundred forty nine meters. Another qualified contractor (Maoni Construction) gives us quotation three times than of Skard Construction, with a period of three months for completion while Skard gives period of two months. The construction which was started on the first week of February, was completed on 25 March 2017. New Headmasters. The acting Headmaster of St. Patricks Secondary School was promoted to become a lecturer of newly established College of Education in Lilongwe. On 6 February 2017, he handed over the responsibility to the newly appointed Headmaster, Mr. Aleke Joseph Tungama. One week later Mr. Tungama handed over the headmastership of CDSS to Mr. Valence Dzikolatha, the newly appointed Headmaster. He was a Deputy Head teacher of Namalowe CDSS, was promoted as Head teacher of St. Louis CDSS.
4.Renewal of Contract as National Education Secretary. On 27 January the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi renewed the contract of Bro. Pascal Mtuwana for two years, from January 2, 2017 to January 2, 2019). Initially they asked Provincial Council to renew for another three years, but they answered our plea to renew for two years only. 5. World Day of Consecrated Life. Thursday 2 February 2017 we celebrated World Day of Consecrated Life. We had Eucharistic Celebration attended by Priests (both Diocesan and Religious), Brothers, and Sisters and lay people. In his homily the Archbishop expressed gratitude to the presence and the work of Religious in the Archdiocese. He urged religious to take care of missionaries. This day was also the birthday of Archbishop Thomas Luke Susa. As such it was a casual holiday for all Catholic Institutions (including Montfort Garage). After Mass the laity gave a gift to the Archbishop. The gift from Religious was presented during the birthday party attended by priests and religious at the Archbishop’s residence at CI (Catholic Institution). 6. The demise of Mother of Thomas Chikoti. On Tuesday evening 21 March we got a sad news that the Mother of Bro. Thomas Chikoti (91 years old) has passed away. She was admitted at Mulambe Hospital for few days. Condolence to Bro. Thomas Chikoti and families. May she rest in peace. It was raining. Fortunately it stopped before requiem Mass and during funeral at the cemetery. The Mass was presided by Fr. Kaliati, parish priest of St. Pius Church, assisted by Fr. Kasitomu, parish priest of Lirangwe. --------------------------------- Bethel House 30 March 2017. Bro. Martinus Dariyo. |