10.02.2022 16:35:17 7006x read. MALAWI CELEBRATING THE DAY OF CONSECRATED LIFE (By Bro. Gasper Kalisto FIC). CELEBRATING THE DAY OF CONSECRATED LIFE (By Bro. Gasper Kalisto FIC).
On 2nd February, the Catholic Church commemorates the feast of presentation of the Lord. It is on the same day that we, the religious, celebrates world day of consecrated life. This year’s celebration in Blantyre Archdiocese was combined with the centenary of Pontifical Missionary Union (PMU), official launch of Kuwala FM (radio station of Blantyre Archdiocese), and a belated birthday of Archbishop Thomas Msusa. The feast was celebrated on 5th February together with all the religious in the Archdiocese. The Archdiocese of Blantyre has 16 religious congregations in which nine (9) are for women and seven (7) for men. The celebration started with the launch of Kuwala FM, followed by Holy Mass which was led by Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa at Limbe Cathedral. (Bro. Gasper Kalisto (first from right) and Bro. Daniel Moses Kanyada (second from left) together with the postulants after mass) Our procession into the cathedral started with candle lighting. Every religious carried a lighting candle as a symbol that we are the light of the world. It also reminds us that our life should bring light to the world, and we have to reclaim that light if it starts fading away. In his introduction and homily, the Archbishop thanked the religious for their apostolates in the diocese and elsewhere. He urged the religious to still be committed people in their vocation and apostolates. He thanked that most institutions being run by religious are doing remarkably well. As for the education sector, schools that are being run by the religious have produced good results and are in the top positions in the country. We should stick to that commitment even within individuals. We chose and were called to be religious, we should embrace our religious life. Prophetess Anna, who was eighty four years old, never left the temple. She continued worshiping with fasting and prayer, day and night (Luke 2:37). Together with Simeon, they both kept their lights burning to the world even in their old age. How good it is to hold the Lord ‘in our arms’ like Simeon. Jesus has been presented to our hearts, as temples of the Lord, lets we carry Him to the nations as the light of the world. After mass, we all gathered in the cathedral’s hall and shared a meal. DOWNLOAD FILE
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