17.12.2019 18:03:02 8493x read. MALAWI BROTHERS PROFESS FIRST, PERPETUAL VOWS. BROTHERS PROFESS FIRST, PERPETUAL VOWS It was an outpouring of gratitude, a professing of commitment, a commemoration of selfless giving and a song of praise to God. Priests, Sisters, relatives and friends joined together to celebrate this life of service. The Vice Chancellor of the Catholic University of Malawi Fr. George Buleya represented the Archbishop to lead the ceremony. The parish Priest Fr. Nsope and other priests were also in the attendance. Saturday 7th December, was without doubt a colourful day when Bro. Lawrence Nkode made a lifelong commitment to living as a religious brother of the Immaculate conception FIC and Bonaventure Kasiya took a step to deepen his commitment to this path as an FIC brother by taking his first vows.
brothers_profess_first.docx [1.1MB] |