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03.09.2022 18:43:17 3982x read.
International FIC Magazine June 2022 issue.



Pope Francis launched “Laudato Si” in 2015. Since the time of launching, people around the world have tried to promote the ideals of the document, and also implement the action plan suggested. As Christians willing to spread the Pope’s message, the FIC brothers are motivated to propose “Laudato Si and Our Apostolate,” as the theme of the June 2022 issue of our magazine, Brothers FIC. The aim of this issue is to encourage not only the FIC brothers, but our students, workers and collaborators, to first of all, spread the message of the document in our communities and places of apostolate; and secondly to take concrete actions on its implementation. We therefore would like to share with our cherished readers the attempts being made to put into practice the principles of “Laudato Si” in our daily lives and apostolate. 


Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si (“Praise be to you”) is a worldwide wake up call to help humankind understand the damage that man is inflicting on the environment and all creatures that live in it. Laudato Sihas seven goals, grounded in a concept of integral ecology, and they include: response to the cry of the Earth; response to the cry of the poor; ecological economics; adoption of simple lifestyles; ecological education; ecological spirituality; and emphasis on community involvement and participatory action. We know that as FIC brothers we have an important task regarding the implementation of the encyclical’s values in our daily lives, and especially our apostolic places where we interact with a host of others. The task is a difficult one, and needs collaboration and team work to accomplish. 


Beloved reader, you will be reading about some ideas and opinions of our fellow brothers regarding the theme. Bro. Augustine, our General Superior, shares his inspiration on “Our Role in Laudato Si.” Bro. Godwin Kuu-ireme from Ghana, takes us further into "Promoting the message of “Laodato Si” in our schools. Bro. Mike Mbato from Malawi gives his personal feeling on the encyclical in our daily lives in communities.” Bro. Johan Muijtjens shares his reflection on the topic “The spiritual and apostolic meaning of our vows in the light of Laudato Si.” Bro. Raphael Besigrinee comes in again with his usual reflection on the theme. 


Dear reader, this time three brothers will provide their profiles: Bros. Heribertus Sumardjo Bekti Kristana from Indonesia, Lawrence Sitima from Malawi and Fabian Bezel from Ghana. It is our hope that through their life stories our young readers would be inspired by the life of the FIC brothers and aspire to serve God through religious life. For the rest, we offer news from our provinces and Religious House Netherlands, news in pictures, an article from the Vatican and a short piece about Mary written by Bro. Gerard Langelaan, from Religious House of The Netherlands. 


In the spirit of “Laudato Si”, let us continue to promote and more importantly, find ways to implement the message and the seven goals of Laudato Si in our daily lives. Let us accept as part of our responsibility, the task of caring for the environment. Thank you for your attention and support to the FIC Congregation.  “Concern for the environment thus needs to be joined to a sincere love for our fellow human beings and an unwavering commitment to resolving the problems of society”. Let us adhere to this appeal from Pope Francis. 


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