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02.07.2024 00:53:18 871x read.
Information General Council: 2024, JUNE (no. 3).

Herewith we present to you the third issue of IGC in 2024, which will inform you about the following:

  1. The Synodal Church in Mission (Part II)

  2. GC Visitation to The Religious House, Netherlands

  3. Delegates to the General Chapter 2024

  4. Temporary Professed Weekend Session, Wa.

  5. Jubilee Celebrations

  6. Celebrating St. Patrick's Day in Malawi

  7. In memoriam

  8. Special Birthdays


The Synodal Church in Mission (Part II)

Part 1 of the Synthesis Report presents more about the theological foundation, understanding, and practice of synodality that roots itself in the Trinity and unfolds through variety and unity in the Church. By reading this part meditatively, we can catch glimpses of inspiration about the Church and her mission. Here, we present three of them:

1. The Church's mission in its nature is a participation in the mission of the Triune God

“The Church is “a people brought together by virtue of the unity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit”. The Father, through the mission of the Son and the gift of the Holy Spirit, involves us in a dynamism of communion and mission that moves us from the “I” to the “we” and places us at the service of the world”.

All the Church’s members are called to accept this task as a gift of the Spirit to be lived out in deference to his guidance. He leads us through the Pascal transition from “I”, understood in a self-centered way, to the ecclesial “we”, where every “I”, clothed in Christ, lives and journeys with his or her brothers and sisters as a responsible and active agent of the one mission of the people of God.









  24-03jun-uk.pdf [1.3MB]

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