22.08.2019 17:28:42 13424x read. MAGAZINE "Forming a community to witness God's love" From The Editor This is the first issue of Volume II of the Congregational magazine "Brothers FIC" reaching you. The last issue of Volume I was published last December by the past General Council 2012-2018. Beginning with this issue, the General Council for the period 2018-2024 will publish the magazine till the end of their term of office in 2024. It is our intention to keep spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ through the work of the FIC Brothers by means of this bi-annual Congregational publication. "Forming a community means: to be near one another in joy and sorrow; to be willing to understand one another; to appreciate, encourage, and inspire one another; to be ready to forgive one another again and again; "seek to do good to one another and to all." This article from the FIC Constitutions is very relevant to the theme chosen for this first issue of the magazine, namely: "Forming A Community to witness God's Love". Beloved reader, we would be sharing with you some experiences of our fellow Brothers regarding the way we try to give form and shape to our community life. We know we are still far from the ideal but in various ways we strive daily to reach this ideal as religious. Bro. Augustine, our General Superior 2018-2024 shares a reflection of his experiences in connection with authority and service in a Trinitarian community. Bro. Raphael invites us to reflect on the topic: "Our Witnessing through Community Living" and Bro. Valentinus Daru shares his opinion and reflection on "Personal Growth as part of our main task as religious". Dear readers, as usual we present reflections, experiences and opinions of our brothers around the globe on the above theme. Two Brothers will provide their profiles: Lambert Dorsana Batogbee from Ghana Province, who celebrates his 25th anniversary as Brother FIC this year and Albertus Suwarto from Indonesia Province who is currently at the Head Office of Pangudi Luhur School Foundation in Semarang. We believe that from their sharing, our young readers will be inspired and find meaning in our life and work. Bro. Lawrence Sitima adds his opinion on "Community building, Unity in Diversity", followed by some important quotations on community life compiled by Bro. Maarten Bouw. The rest are news from our Provinces and Religious House Netherlands, news in pictures, an article from the Vatican, and a short piece about Mary written by Bro. Theodorus. In the spirit of being good and doing good, and for the sake of living together peacefully and fruitfully, we FIC Brothers continue to reflect deeply on our community life as an important means to witness to the love of God. We do not wish to be tired of doing good and being good. Among others, we also want "to be ready to forgive one another again and again" as stated by our Constitutions. Thank you for your attention and support to the Congregation, and may God bless you all. DOWNLOAD FILE
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