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03.03.2022 15:54:57 6649x read.
December Issue of International FIC Magazine.

December Issue of International FIC Magazine.
This is the sixth publication of Volume II of the Congregational magazine “Brothers FIC” reaching you. The theme of this issue is “Social Media and Religious Life,” and the aim is to encourage the use of the internet and social media as means of witnessing God’s love. We would like to share with our readers how we try to use “Social Media” wisely, positively and meaningfully. Social media tools such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are now part of everyday life. Used well, they can add to our call and mission meaningfully. But used poorly, they can cause lasting damage to people and our being and doing as FIC brothers.
It is important to realize that the use of social networks can promote life, and can also destroy life, especially our youth. The magazine intends to reflect on the two ways. The intention therefore is to use social media for good, to spread the good news and to promote the values of our Congregation. We need to be “in the world” and demonstrate our being and doing as FIC brothers. In using media networks, we should demonstrate God’s love for humanity and how we brothers try to radiate this love to fellow human beings through our prayer, apostolate and community life. Our communication through social media networks has the fundamental motive of sharing the values and virtues of our Congregation as well as the spirit of our Founders, all for the sake of building the Kingdom of God.
Beloved reader, you will be reading about some experiences and opinions of our fellow brothers regarding the theme stated above. Bro. Augustine, our General Superior, reflects on his experience on “Social Media, Youth and Us.” Our brother from Chile Eustachius Ekowijayanto, sends us deeper into "Social Media and Religious Life”. Bro. Yustinus Juadi gives his personal experience on “Using Social Media to witness our Christian Values.” A further enlightenment by Bro. Raphael Besigrinee is given as usual in his reflection on the main theme.
Dear reader, two brothers will provide their profiles as usual: Hans Gendut Suwardi from Indonesia and Felicio Gyeyir from Ghana. We believe that from their sharing, our young readers will be inspired and further discover the meaning in our life and work. The rest are news from our provinces and Religious House Netherlands, news in pictures, an article from the Vatican and a short piece about Mary written by Moses Mgunda, a young brother from Malawi.
In the spirit of positive use of social media based on human, Christian and religious values, let us promote communication and building of relationships based on faith, truth and justice. During this Yuletide, allow me to wish you “A Happy and Blessed Christmas!” May the king of peace bring true peace in the world and may He inflame our hearts to enable us discover Christ in one another. Thank you for your attention and support to the FIC Congregation.
Theo Riyanto FIC


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