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15.07.2024 16:51:50 706x read.
Brothers FIC Magazine, June 2024.



This time, we offer readers ideas on the theme of the Brothers FIC Magazine: “Renewal of our consecrated life and mission in the spirit of synodality.” This is also the theme of the Brothers FIC General Chapter of 2024. The renewal of religious life includes the constant return to the sources of all Christian life, to the original spirit of the Congregation and adaptation to the changed conditions of our time. Renewal of our consecrated life and mission is inevitable in the Church and religious life. Such renewal is necessary to satisfy or appropriately respond to the significant needs of today’s church and the world. To do this we have to net-work with people of good will, create a “culture of encounter”, listen attentively to the “cry” of people experiencing poverty and the rest of creation. In other words, we are embarking on a “synodal journey”, meaning that we intend to discern the will of God, not just as leaders but as a Congregation, whose members are engaged in mission in five locations around the world.

One means of bringing about renewal in religious life and mission is through chapters, through which we discern the will of God. 2024 is a year of chapters for the FIC Congregation. The discernment process is ongoing in the provinces. Amidst this discernment, we wish to share with our cherished readers the views of some FIC Brothers regarding the theme (above). Bro. Augustine, our General Superior, presents the spirit behind the subject under discussion, entitled  “The Spirit of Synodality in our Life and Mission.” Bro. Raphael Besigrinee discusses the reasons and the fundamental principles of religious life renewal, while Bro. Remy Nyukorong gives a summative reflection on the core mission and Spirituality of the FIC Brothers, entitled “The Spirituality of the FIC Brothers and the Need of the Time.” From these reflections, we intend to deepen the meaning and the purpose of our life and mission in the Church. We must continuously deepen the understanding of our calling, and strengthen our commitment to serving the Lord.


We are pleased to present the stories of two of our brothers willing to share their profiles as usual. Bro. Antonius Karyadi, from Indonesia who celebrates his 40th anniversary as FIC Brother, and Bro. Fabian Kuupile from Ghana, who just completed his sabbatical in Nairobi, Kenya. We hope their generous sharing will inspire our young readers and clarify the meaning of our consecrated life and mission. We also present you news from the first sessions of the Provincial Chapters that recently took place in our provinces. The rest are news in pictures, an article from the Vatican and a brief piece about Mary by Bro. Daniel Kanyada, from Malawi Province.

In the spirit of  “Synodality”, let us continue to journey together in faith and mission in our  efforts to proclaim the Kingdom of God. May the spirit of synodality strengthen our bonds as children of God and improve our ability to listen to one another with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.   Thank you for your attention and support to the FIC Congregation. We especially ask you to pray for the success of the FIC General Chapter, scheduled from 4 - 24 August 2024 in Wa-Ghana.



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