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21.06.2024 01:10:26 1222x read.
The Spirit of synodality in our life and mission (By. Bro. Augustine Kubdaar))

The Spirit of synodality in our life and mission

What is our mission?

The "Essential Reflection" and chapter one of our constitutions speak clearly about the FIC Brothers' Mission. If I attempt to state it briefly, I will say that our life as Brothers FIC is uniquely dedicated to following the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to advance God's Kingdom through personal human growth (art. 1), community building, and service to others, particularly those poor and in need. We strive to proclaim the gospel through "Christian Education, Teaching and Formation, guided by the Holy Spirit. Drawing inspiration from Mother Mary as our Patroness, our mission is grounded in love, justice, and service, following the examples (and in the Spirit) set by our Founders: Mgr. Louis Rutten and Bro. Bernardus Hoecken (Arts. 7,8,9, and 10). As a global community of Brothers, we prioritize contemporary and culturally sensitive approaches to spreading the faith and promoting human dignity. Collaboration, communal living and discernment, and prayer are central to our identity.

The Spirit of synodality and our mission

The Spirit of synodality is a vital aspect of the life and mission of the Brothers FIC. Synodality embodies a collaborative and participatory approach to decision-making and discernment within the community. It fosters a culture of open dialogue, mutual respect, and shared responsibility, where each member's voice is valued and heard.

In our life (Brothers FIC), the Spirit of synodality permeates every aspect of our community life and mission. It guides our communal discernment processes, ensuring that decisions are made collectively, in alignment with the will of God and the needs of the community. In our pursuit of the Spirit of synodality, we aim to foster unity and solidarity among our members and humanity, embracing the concept of universal brotherhood and recognizing the inherent dignity of all human beings and God's creation. We value the diverse gifts and perspectives that each individual brings to our community. We value and are grateful for the gift of God's creation.


Furthermore, the Spirit of synodality extends beyond our immediate FIC community. It includes the broader areas where our apostolic presence is needed, shaping our engagements with other religious groups, the wider Church, and society (art. 5 and 6). We actively collaborate with various organizations and institutions, seeking common ground and collective solutions to emerging challenges confronting humanity and our planet. Ultimately, the Spirit of synodality manifests our commitment to living as beloved brothers (and sisters) in Christ, journeying together in faith, and discerning God's will for the greater good of all.


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